Issues with my Shooter App


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
Walhalla, ND
On my old Galaxy S-2 my Shooter App worked great. Now that I have upgraded to an S-5, none of my environmental parameters are saved. I used to put the enviro parameters in and every time I opened the app it was right there.....saved...just had to change the distance or what ever needed changing. Even when I changed guns, it was all right there, saved. Now, EVERY TIME I open up the app I have to re enter the days to bottom. It is very annoying when I am shooting steel at various distances and directions and with different guns because I have to enter to bottom.......EVERY TIME!!!! I buzzed over to the on line manual, but didn't see anything applicable to my problem.

Anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong???

OOPS..... You know, I never had to do it on my old phone....I don't think, anyway....old age and being a tecnology ZIT is a TERRABLE COMBO!! Anyway,I tweeked my settings and I have a shoot this weekend. I will see hopw things go.

Thanks for the help,
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