IOR has changed my life

Iron Worker

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
Reno Nevada
Just received my 1st IOR its a 2.5x10x42mm.......... Best glass I've ever experienced .I feel like 10x on the IOR is like 20x on my elite 6500............. But how long will this scope function ?
Good glass just like a fine shootin gun will spoil you for life!!
A few years ago IORs where great scopes, by that I mean they where a LOT cheaper than the competition! These days they are still a good scope with some great glass and a very user friendly reticle but priced acordingly.
The first 16x Has been on a lot of different guns(50BMG,308Baer and numerous 223s) since I pickt it up many years ago, the glass still has the famous yellow haze to it but funtions just like it did new. The glass on the prototype 35mm 6-24 is about as good as it get at any price...the 3-18 not in pic has the poorest glass of the bunch but still better than most other brands.

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