I am very dissapointed with Berger bullets regarding the 338 hybrid bullet.

Marine sniper

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2005
Washington State.
First let me say; no-one is more of a fan of Berger bullets than I am, perhaps that is the root of my disappointment. If any other company would have made the claims Berger did about an upcoming bulllet they were going to introduce, and the results ended up being far short of those claims, I would not have been nearly as disapointed.

How long have we been teased with this bullet? Two years as least. I am one of the guys who has spent a lot of money on a custom rifle (and dies) built specifically to shoot a bullet with a BC of nearly .9. Now we find out the bullets BC is barely above .8 and can not withstand (in some or most rifles) much more than 2800 fps, almost certainly not the velocities the 338 Yogi I am having Dave Tooley built will produce.

I find it unimaginable that a company with the reputation of Berger bullets would not thoroughly test and confirm, at an absolute minimum, the ballistic coefficient and velocity ceiling of the bullets before ever talking about them in public. It would have been ok to say you were working on something in the 338 caliber and to give goals regarding BC, etc. But to publish data before thoroughly testing and confirming it is unacceptable.
I don't own a .338 but I do keep up on bullet technology. I'm not at all surprised that the bullet didn't make .9 B.C. but other than that, what else did you find? Sounds like maybe they are coming unglued at velocity?......Rich
First let me say; no-one is more of a fan of Berger bullets than I am, perhaps that is the root of my disappointment. If any other company would have made the claims Berger did about an upcoming bulllet they were going to introduce, and the results ended up being far short of those claims, I would not have been nearly as disapointed.

How long have we been teased with this bullet? Two years as least. I am one of the guys who has spent a lot of money on a custom rifle (and dies) built specifically to shoot a bullet with a BC of nearly .9. Now we find out the bullets BC is barely above .8 and can not withstand (in some or most rifles) much more than 2800 fps, almost certainly not the velocities the 338 Yogi I am having Dave Tooley built will produce.

I find it unimaginable that a company with the reputation of Berger bullets would not thoroughly test and confirm, at an absolute minimum, the ballistic coefficient and velocity ceiling of the bullets before ever talking about them in public. It would have been ok to say you were working on something in the 338 caliber and to give goals regarding BC, etc. But to publish data before thoroughly testing and confirming it is unacceptable.

Marine Sniper,

I am with you in your disappointment. I did not build a rifle just for these bullets, but did pick up some to shoot out of a 338 Lap Imp that is waiting for its custom stock to get finished. It now looks like I will have to sell them. There simply is no point in down loading the rifle in order to shoot them. If I wanted to shoot under 2800 fps I would have chambered a smaller caliber.

Seems like a colossal mistake on Berger's part. How many people shooting small 338's are wanting to shoot a 300g bullet?

I must say that if this was Light Varmint making this announcement he would have been drawn and quartered by now. Not defending him, but fair is fair.

I DID basically build a rifle around this bullet, and the velocity limitations are a major let down. I need to back off on velocity 250 fps to get down to 2800...why not use the SMK's at 3000+ fps instead?
Wow that's really disappointing. Just read the bullitin. Was really thinking about building an Edge this summer since there is now more than just one bullet to choose from. But a BC just marginally better than the SMK and can't be launched over 2800fps... So much hype about this being the cats meow when it comes to long range hunting bullets and now this. Let's see how long it takes Berger to fix this.
Good point Tyler, 300 smk-I think that's probably what most folks will do until or if Berger remedies.
I'm not in the least disappointed. However I'm shooting a clunky old RUM and don't approach 2800 FPS. With its best shooting loads I barely break 2700. The Hybrid shoots a bit better in this rifle than the SMK though a bit slower as it likes H-1000 and I've become more conservative with my powder charges. Though, I'm still 1 grain over book, if that means anything.

However, I am pleased that I chose a 375 cal over a something in 338 for the next and last hopefully nearing completion build.

By the time Berger figures out that more of a solid base type bullet is needed something in 375 shouldn't be too far down the road. (I'm getting pretty long in the tooth to wait too long:))
Kirby allan shoots the 300 smk's at blistering speeds out of his 338 allan mag. He shoots the 300 smk out the barrel at 3300 fps...this in 32 inch barrels.
The SMK really holds up well.

It seems that the Hybrid was designed as a target bullet again with the hope that it might perform as a hunting bullet. Seems like thid discussion has been around he block a few times:D.....Rich
It seems that the Hybrid was designed as a target bullet again with the hope that it might perform as a hunting bullet. Seems like thid discussion has been around he block a few times:D.....Rich

Regarding my above quote; in fairness to Berger, I don't think that they ever said the the new hybrid was a hunting bullet. In fact, I believe that I can quote Bryan in saying that the jury was still out on whether it was suitable as a hunting bullet or not. Sometimes I think our enthusiasm for something new gets ahead of reality. At least I am guilty of this:D. For now, I guess this bullet falls into the same category as do previous bullets. "There are long range bullets and there are hunting bullets but there are no long range hunting bullets", At least by our definition of long range and by a major manufacturer. IMHO......Rich
P.S. It may well be a long range hunting bullet if its kept within certain MV's.
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