I’m always busy at the wrong time…for SCIENCE!!!😡🤣. Anyone ever shoot at these temps and get chrono numbers?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
Saskatchewan, Canada
Once again I find myself wishing I was free today to do some ballistic testing and subject myself to some cold weather. But as luck would have it, I've already got plans and cannot. I'm sure you all relate at some point or other. But i actually really wish I could go shooting in the name of science today. It would be a useful day to gather real world chrono data on extreme cold weather velocity affects. More often than not on the crazy hot days it doesn't work out either, but where I live has got to have some of the most extreme seasonal temperature spreads anywhere. Anyone ever actually get the chance to shoot and get data in weather like this? Especially interested to test the enduron powders sometime if we get another day this cold in the new year and I'm free.

We hit -42 celcius without factored in today, which isn't so rare around here, but and in June or July of this year it broke +40 celcius which I've never seen in my entire life. No thank you! I'll take the cold over the heat any day, can't stand heat like that, don't know how you folks from places like Arizona tolerate it but I suppose people adapt. BUT…I really wish I could have gone shooting today and on one of those horrible days in June. It would have been over 80 degrees C of variation and should have been enlightening. Anyone ever shoot such extremes and get data?


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So are you out of your flip flops like @skipglo? I ice fished ONCE on Lake Champlain in similar temps. SUCKED! Tried to set tip ups but ended up jigging in a shanty we rented at last minute. Thank goodness for getting that shanty and plenty of firewood.!! Yes we caught fish jigging! Walleyes and sauger!

But needed to get jump to start my old 72 Bronco! Just didn't have enough juice!
I would have zero plans in those temperatures hahaha!
I see you're from New Mexico…I imagine I'd have a hard time down there with the heat haha. I overheat very fast, people always poke good natured fun at me in the winter for not dressing appropriately for the weather but i honestly just don't get cold easily and HATE being hot. I can't for the life of me understand why so many people enjoy baking themselves half to death on the beach…it sounds so horrible! My wife's the opposite. I always make jokes about her being a reptile, a basking lizard. She's not a fan of this humour.
I'm a bit of a masochist maybe…you didn't happen to do any chronographed shooting in Siberia did you?😀
I was in a restricted area, military/police checkpoints...no firearms...
I would model it for you if you have other data....