How old are you? How old do you FEEL?

It's a lifestyle Luv the mtns Hike same stuff I did 25 yrs ago


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I'll be 64 in June, last year this time I started to really get serious about working out, I lost #40 got in good shape carried both hind quarters of my elk off the mountains in Idaho at the same time on the same pack frame.I'm 5'11" 192 right now, plan on losing another 15-20 pounds this year.
every year its tougher and tougher to get and stay in shape. Five years ago I packed a bull elk out all but one pack full, no way I could do it now, thank God for outfitters and young guides. I just booked my 2nd elk hunt for next year.
53 (6 foot 226 pounds)but still run at least once a week or more for 2.7 miles on the tread mill. I lift twice a week with 220 pounds bench free weights. I can bench 240 but I start hearing scary noises in my shoulders!!lol 150 squats and stretches. After this is done I grab 3 ibuprofen and a beer!!!lol To many years of mua tai and cage fighting have taken it's toll on my knees and shoulders. I pop and crack in places that I don't get. I just need a few grease zerks then I would be good.

I can still shoot .5moa or better so I guess I should feel lucky.
33 years old, i feel like i'm turning 60 this year. pain everywhere. be from old injuries or sleeping wrong. to previous picking up things in general.

it sucks but on a positive note, my pail tolerance is pretty high
that sucks cause its only gonna get worse find the most comfortable mattress you can and rotate it often this has helped me quit alot over the last 20 years oh yeah a bottle of eagle rare helps to
I'm not sure how old I "feel". I'm 46. I am 6' 4" and weigh 270#. In the past five years i've noticed my metabolism has slowed way down. Used to be able to really put the food away and not gain a pound. Five years ago I was 255#, now fluctuate between 270-275# I do know that in the last 3ish years I've noticed more aches and pains and healing takes longer. I've had both knees scoped, L4-L5 discectomy in the last 10 years and here a couple weeks ago had my right shoulder scoped (instead of a replacement like the doc wanted to do). They removed a bone spur, removed the bursa sac, cleaned up a labral tear and released the long head of the bicep tendon (tenotomy). Zero cartilage in my shoulder. Don't get me wrong with this post, I still get out and hammer. It's just not like it used to be. I guess the term "getting old sucks" applies here LOL
I'll give you the answer my 55 yr old Dad gave me when I was 28.
" I feel fantastic ". 2017 July as he was hours from leaving us I confronted him- I asked him "why after 28 years of truth- you told me such an awful lie ?" He smiled and said you were never unsure of yourself and accomplished many things I never could've done. I didn't want you to stop. I thanked him with a laugh but told him all those years of hardcore training and doing has me aching and hurting. He said " dont be a baby ".
Broken L4L5 SACRUM 2X SURGERIES 360°FUSION L3 TO SACRUM 1990/97. 2X ROTATOR CUFF SURGERIES MUMFORD 2.5" OFF COLLAR BONE 99% A/C joint removed 2017/18. Multiple broken fingers ankles sinuses 2x fixed broken noses etc etc. 52 6ft 210 maintained 31 years of daily running cycling free weights racing weekends. REAR ended high speed 2013 abruptly ended my lifestyle. I'm a better person as the concussion took 4- 5 years to be symptom less. If I eat leafy greens hydrate and walk I'm hopeful 👍EVERy day Is a risk of the end. Love those around you and enjoy.
that sucks cause its only gonna get worse find the most comfortable mattress you can and rotate it often this has helped me quit alot over the last 20 years oh yeah a bottle of eagle rare helps to

the mattress i have currently is great as i need a firm one and it fits the bill.

Memory foam pillow👍. I take mine everywhere!

oh yea i forgot about those. since my wife is on a training deployment in korea i've been using a pillow to throw my leg over in place of her lol
Had to revive this thread for an update. Fellas, I've discovered the Holy Grail for us guys who feel like their get up and up and went...and DID NOT come back. Here's the rub:
So, I went to a local Dr (former ER trauma surgeon) who now specializes in 'Lifestyle Medicine'. I told him that basically I feel run down all the time despite getting a solid 8 hours sleep pretty much every night, just want to sit in a chair when I'm home and have pretty much lost my 'drive' for nearly everything. They drew several samples of blood and sent it off to their labs in Chicago for analysis. A week later I was given the results. Low Testosterone! WHAT?? I'm only 45, fellas. On a scale (300-1200 being 'normal range') I was at 290 for Total Testosterone. On a scale (120-565 being 'normal range') my Free Testosterone...which is what does ALL the work (your get up and go) was at 88. So, after discussing a few options with the Doc I chose a program where Testosterone pellets are surgically implanted (in your backside) every 3 months. I also have to supplement with an estrogen blocker AND HCG to keep my body's own production of Testosterone going.....what little it's producing. Well, it's been 2 weeks now and I'm really starting to feel GREAT! Energy is coming back, mental clarity/focus is sharper, I find myself looking for things to do.....AND the wife is definitely happier :D. Fellas, I would recommend going and getting your Testosterone levels checked. It may just be the reason you feel like you're slowing down WAY before you really should.
Okay. So, slightly more than a year after this post and it needs to be updated. I switched from the pellet implants to weekly injections (1ml and I do it myself) and still do the 2 doses of HCG per week (50 units each) and the estrogen blockers twice per week. Since last November I have lost 40 lbs (220 down to 180) and my labs performed last week were perfect. Everything is 'in the green', body fat is down to....wait for it...only 7.4% and Testosterone level is through the proverbial roof!
I love you guys in your 60's, 70's and 80's out here defying the status quo. You are my inspiration, I mean that sincerely.