How do you remove moly coating on bullets?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2003
Madison ,ga
I have like 2,000 .338 combinded technology bullets.I need the moly coating off of them so I can shoot them without screwing up my rifle.I have tried brake clean it didnt work.I really like thess bullets in my 338-378 and 338 wm but dont want that suff in my barrel!!!!!!
I have like 2,000 .338 combinded technology bullets.I need the moly coating off of them so I can shoot them without screwing up my rifle.I have tried brake clean it didnt work.I really like thess bullets in my 338-378 and 338 wm but dont want that suff in my barrel!!!!!!

They won't screw up your barrel, "but" if you dont like them try tumbling them. Or find someone
that will trade you some plain bullets.

If you change from the Molly coated bullets to the plain jacket type you will probably loose some
velocity and performance unless you work up new loads.

If your 338s like them I wouldn't change.

As much as I love my 338-378s they are a pain to clean as it is.If I add more in the bore it will be worse.Its powder fouling thats the problem now .I use Nosler Partitions now 250 gr and love tham and have shot some groups under an inch at 300 yards with them.My rifle after 60 or so shots patterns instead of grouping if not cleaned down to the metal.I wish there was a magic foam or something.I have tried a few they didnt get it all out.This coating on these bullets will come off a little on your fingers if you handle them renough.I will try tounbling them thanks .
They won't screw up your barrel, "but" if you dont like them try tumbling them. Or find someone
that will trade you some plain bullets.

If you change from the Molly coated bullets to the plain jacket type you will probably loose some
velocity and performance unless you work up new loads.

If your 338s like them I wouldn't change.


Good Catch-----MY BAD!! Did not read as close as I should have---I actually have some CT LA pills that I am going to try on my Jarrett Speedy built. In the testing and the feedback from folks who are using them they are great in that chambering.

The CT LA coating is not moly-----just shoot them for crying out loud..

Moly you cannot tumble off because it is imbedded in the pores of the copper and you cannot get it All Off. Net result is that you will have bullets that are unique in the industry that you will never be able to replicate again.
I tried everything to remove moly from a thousand 22 cal bullets that I coated back when it was popular.Then I looked under my wifes sink and found the answer.She had a product called Bar Keepers Friend thats made for cleaning stainless steel sinks.I put some bullets in a plastic coffee can,covered with water and dumped in some of this powered product,put the lid on and shook it for about a minute.Imagine my surprise when I rinsed out the bullets and the moly was completely gone.Now I"m going to throw them in the tumbler and polish them.Too easy!!
The CT bullets are NOT molly coated. Nosler calls it Lubalox. I shoot them out of my 25-06. They will not harm your bore. I talked with a Nosler tech about this very subject.

What is Lubalox?
Lubalox® is the trade name Winchester uses to describe a black oxide process. It is a very thin oxide bullet coating, often compared to the bluing on a steel firearm.

Combined Technology - Nosler - Bullets, Ammunition, Rifles, Brass, Reloading Data, Hunting, Shooting, Reloading, Load Data

Lubalox is what Winchester used in the 80's and early 90's on the Black Talon bullets. Everyone thought it was kevlar, but it wasn't. Just a fun-fact for yall. :D
They won't screw up your barrel, "but" if you dont like them try tumbling them. Or find someone
that will trade you some plain bullets.

If you change from the Molly coated bullets to the plain jacket type you will probably loose some
velocity and performance unless you work up new loads.

If your 338s like them I wouldn't change.


You got that backwards. If you change to Moly (M0S2 coated ) bullets from previously using a clean jacket you will loose velocity with the new Moly bullet , all else being equal .
The Molly changes the pressure curve experienced by the bullet in such a way that it is like reducing the powder charge slightly .
If you work up a Moly bullet load and then change back to a plain uncoated bullet you may need to reduce the powder load to stay with reasonable pressures .
Lubalox is what Winchester used in the 80's and early 90's on the Black Talon bullets. Everyone thought it was kevlar, but it wasn't. Just a fun-fact for yall. :D

I don't know what is in Lubalox but I suspect that it is possibly graphite and tungsten disulfide based .
I have been Molying ( pure MoS2) my own bullets for a very long time and what I have leaned is that the more complicated the coating process is the more potential there is for bi products to gum up the barrel.
Also there is numerous processes and formula's that all get called Moly !
It screws up the whole knowledge base on the subject with confusion .
That is why I use a process that only puts pure MoS2 on the bullet and nothing else . You have to know a bit about how and when to use it and how and when to clean your barrel but I don't have all the BS issues you hear people talking about on the net and using the generic term Moly .

The fact that MoS2 does build up in the barrel to some small degree has thrown people into a panic because they don't understand what they are seeing . However if it did not build up at all it would not do any good !! It needs to build a lamella structure in the bore to be able to support the pressure of the bullet expanding against the bore and also protect from powder heat and erosion .
Some people clean so often that it is a total waste of time using Pure MoS2 as no build up can happen .
It's like painting an old house . The old paint has built up and looks bad but it has done it's job of protecting the surface . That does not mean you panic and say painting is no good because it builds up , cracks and flakes off . You clean it off and paint again .
Same thing with pure MoS2 moly , run it for 300 shots clean it out and run again .
NOTICE HOW I AM SAYING " PURE MoS2 moly " not referring to any other process or coating other than Molybdenum Disulfide MoS2 .
Most of the negative stuff I see written on the net about MoS2 bullet coating is pure garbage from people who sell other products or have never used it or have never used it correctly .
I have had no experience removing Lubalox coating so I don't know how hard it is to scrub it off . Experiment with some steel wool ( wire wool ) on a few bullets by hand and see if it comes off easy or not . If it comes off easy it should polish off in a tumbler using SS media .
The process can't be much more than a spraying or dipping process as too much heat would melt a bullets lead core so it can't be a very hot process I would think .
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