I do my best to plan for it now, for years I didn't. I would find what I thought where good deals, if I could scrape together enough, I'd get it, after many years I had large collection aproaching 40 guns, many hadn't been used for months or years, I decided to sell most of them, looking at what I actually shoot in competition etc... and started trying to plan for my dream builds, about one a year, sat down and calculated what I spend a year on ammo, reloading components, upgrading equipment, new barrels, new build range and club memberships, etc... sat down with the spousal unit, talked about the annual budget, taxes, bills, insurance etc.... and decided on what was a reasonable ammount and added it to the budget just like an insurance or car payment, anything I get selling outdated or unused equipment gets added back into the fund. Then I go down the wish list and determine what I can afford, want most, and have to save up for. Now I have probably less than eight guns that are specialized dream builds, I use them all regularly, and am much happier.