Hornady Annealing System?

Well, I am going to have to have my lawyer talk to Hornady about patent infringement.


This is a electrical cable conduit connector, two washers two nuts and two screws.

It is fast, simple, and easy to make. It is fast, simple, and easy to use
I use one and it works great. The only problem is that the Largest Dia. holder is too small for WSM brass.
Bob, I've never seen a bx connector rated for heat treating brass before. I'll double check the NEC and see what else I've missed. Is that in the new code book or an older one? ;-))
Now I have to see if it will fit my 376 Steyr cases.

I used to stand cases in a pan of water... no more!!

I use it, and it's great and lighting fast. Annealing is even and uniform.


I will be doing 1k at a time ---- per lot of brass. Was going to buy one of the automated ones that rotate around a circle with several torches but it is expensive. How fast does this work and how long does a bottle of compound last?

I will be doing 1k at a time ---- per lot of brass. Was going to buy one of the automated ones that rotate around a circle with several torches but it is expensive. How fast does this work and how long does a bottle of compound last?


4 to 6 a minute.

I use the "Coleman" brand of propane cylinders, cuz tey are short and fat, and stand by themselves without tipping over.

Light them with the flame pointing to the left and back a bit.

I hold the electric screwdriver in the left hand, put a case in with the right hand, and put it in the flame for about 6 to 10 seconds, and then tip it on a towel.

You don't need water.

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