Hello from Texas


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2019
Sugar Land, TX
Guys I'm a bit tardy with this introduction as I've been on the site for a couple of weeks now. I reside in Texas, own a small ranch and hunt both Texas and Montana. I'm retired now (thank the Lord) and I enjoy hunting most types of game but my passion really lies with coyote, hog and turkey hunting. I go every year to Montana for self guided coyotes and ground squirrels, and occasionally I'll guide a friend on a black bear hunt there. I self guided on a Montana wolf hunt for 3 weeks several years ago - came up empty but what a great back country experience. Used to guide informally for a lot of hog and turkey hunters but I find as I get older my tolerance for morons has really fallen off. Love Cooper rifles, have 40 years of handloading experience, and I'm a casual target shooter to 600 yards. I hope to carry my weight on this excellent site.
Guys I'm a bit tardy with this introduction as I've been on the site for a couple of weeks now. I reside in Texas, own a small ranch and hunt both Texas and Montana. I'm retired now (thank the Lord) and I enjoy hunting most types of game but my passion really lies with coyote, hog and turkey hunting. I go every year to Montana for self guided coyotes and ground squirrels, and occasionally I'll guide a friend on a black bear hunt there. I self guided on a Montana wolf hunt for 3 weeks several years ago - came up empty but what a great back country experience. Used to guide informally for a lot of hog and turkey hunters but I find as I get older my tolerance for morons has really fallen off. Love Cooper rifles, have 40 years of handloading experience, and I'm a casual target shooter to 600 yards. I hope to carry my weight on this excellent site.

Welcome. What part of Texas?

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