First Mature bow kill (PA)


Jan 13, 2017
This is my first what I consider mature buck. I have killed a lot of 2.5 year old bucks but never one like this.

I only got this buck on trail camera one time, then I killed him the next day. It was pretty wild because I saw a big buck at the particular stand I hunted last year within 15 minutes of when I shot this one. Unfortunately I couldn't get a shot at the one I saw last year.

I am not sure of his age, but his body was huge (didn't have a scale) but he was heavy! And his rack is pretty thick. Anyone have any ideas on age? This is a PA deer.



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Thanks! I typically just do Euro mounts but he's getting a shoulder mount. He should look pretty good.

I felt great after I shot him, but then I didn't find blood for 70 yards so I was freaking out. He went 200 yards through the thickest stuff you can imagine. He definitely didn't make it easy on me. Last year was the first year I tried expandables (Rage) I wasn't impressed with the blood that I got last year (buck and doe) but I had some left so I tried them again this year. I won't be using the rage again. Some guys swear by them... But after 3 bow kills and barely having any blood... I can't go back. The buck I shot this year I poked though down low. The arrow stayed in him but it stuck out a few inches.
Teeth are the only really reliable way to age a deer, unfortunately.

I have shot a few deer with rage. Next year I will be switching to a single bevel two blade. My brother used grizzly stik this year and had insane performance and penetration.

Awesome buck, congratulations!!
Thanks! I typically just do Euro mounts but he's getting a shoulder mount. He should look pretty good.

I felt great after I shot him, but then I didn't find blood for 70 yards so I was freaking out. He went 200 yards through the thickest stuff you can imagine. He definitely didn't make it easy on me. Last year was the first year I tried expandables (Rage) I wasn't impressed with the blood that I got last year (buck and doe) but I had some left so I tried them again this year. I won't be using the rage again. Some guys swear by them... But after 3 bow kills and barely having any blood... I can't go back. The buck I shot this year I poked though down low. The arrow stayed in him but it stuck out a few inches.
I'm not a rage fan either or any mechanicals for that matter it takes a lot of your kinetic energy to open that blade I see more disadvantages than advantages the only advantage is a slightly better arrow flight with the blades not being as affected by wind . I guess I'm an old-school guy I use Muzzy but I've also been looking at the Montec G5
Great buck! Nice track job from sounds of it! That Roman nose diesnt normally show up until at least 4.5 so maybe even older. Killing an old boy like that is great accomplishment, they seen it all. Good job!!!

Mechanicals can be difficult but they work the best with heavier arrows to help drive it through more efficiently. Mechanicals suck up energy on penetration so they do need extra inertia from heavier arrow to provide foolproof penetration and pass through. I've shot the good old Thunderhead since it was released in 80's. Heavier spine arrow and they fly great.

I shoot Rage in xbow but that is with FMJ arrows at 355 fps so plenty of energy and inertia to drive them through. Shoulder acting up so its my backup.
Thanks everyone for the kind words!

I forgot to mention that I shot this buck at 11:45. I saw a huge buck at 11:50 the year before from the same stand that I shot this one out of. Unfortunately I couldn't get a shot at the one I saw last year. The one last year I had on camera a bunch during day light hours but I was never able to connect. I think I over hunted that spot last year.

This year I really moved around and kept spots fresh. It's amazing how many more deer I saw.

I got a day light pic of a nice 10 point on 12/26. Hopefully I will be able to chase him next year. I am pretty sure he is the one I had on camera in October a few times.
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