First long range rifle


Jul 27, 2011
Columbia, MS.
Hey guys I'm new to this whole forum thing and I've shot semi pro nfaa archery tourney's for the last 6 years so excuse my ignorance in advance.

I'm looking to build/buy a decent .308 caliber mid range (650-800 yards) gun. It is gonna be primarily a paper gun, but I might shoot a few deer and varmints with it.

Unfortunately money is a object, so I would like to keep it as close to the $1000 mark as possible (with optics). Seeings I manage a sporting goods store I get things at cost.

I know its a far cry to having a good shooter but I just wanna start out small to see if I like it.

I've looked at all of the 700 tactical stuff, and just recently seen the Howa Axiom. I've heard good things about savage, but I would like some opinions on what ya'll like as for as action/stock combo's or just out ready to buy guns.

I would also like opinions on optics for around $250-$350.

Heresay is appriciated but experiece would be nice.
I would build up.a rifle using a savage action.
Check out the article on building a long range rifle on a budget by Jerry Teo.
Contact Sinman and he will put a great barrel on an action and you can put it in a bell and carlson medalst stock.
All for $1000 or less
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Look into the Stevens model 200. It is a savage made rifle just marked under the Stevens Name. It can be had for around $300 dollars I believe. Not sure what the caliber selection is. As far as optics, go to and look at the SS line of tactical Scopes. I believe the are the absolute best bang for your Buck until you get up into the $800 plus level.
I'd look hard at the Savage line if it were me.

I went with a Ruger due to them maqking their own barrels now and the reports I've been getting regarding their accuracy. I'm very happy with my Ruger but if I hadn't gone with the Ruger I'm 90% certain I would've chosen a Savage.

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