ebay stops selling gun parts

NO BIGGIE but I did send a Email concerning this matter.

It is with great disgust that I send this mail to you, concerning you and your company's decision in regards to revising your firearm's
related restrictions that are to be applied starting in mid August 2007.

"Hello everyone…In mid-August, we will be updating our Firearms, Weapons and Knives Policy to place more restrictions around gun-related items. Once these changes take effect, we will prohibit listings of any firearm part that is required for the firing of a gun. This includes items like bullet tips, brass casings and shells, barrels, slides, cylinders, magazines, firing pins, trigger assemblies, etc. Please read the Firearms, Weapons and Knives Policy for more details on our current policy."

I will be doing my best to buy anything possible from other vendors and refer any of my friends to do so. This is due to your companies decision concerning this matter.

Long live the USA.
Here is a copy of the e-mail I sent:

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Mr. Halprin,

In Reference to: New Listing Restrictions on Gun Parts***

You say:
"along with our executive leaders at eBay Inc. – have made the decision to further restrict more of these items than federal and state regulations require."

Federal regulations are the law, and we all have to abide by it. But to further restrict on the already imposed restrictions is not going to do anything for you or anyone else. If every business in the country was to take the position you're taking, this country would become communist.

You all are making a bad decision. There are millions of law abiding citizens like my self that would not appreciate your position and would be offended by eBay's decisions.

You say:
"After learning that some items purchased on eBay may have been used in the tragedy at Virginia Tech in April 2007, we felt that revisiting our policies was not only necessary, but the right thing to do."

Do you really believe that by eBay having more restrictions it would have made a difference in the Virginia Tragedy? None, nada, absolutely nothing!!!! All it does is take benefits away from the law abiding men and women. Criminals don't even blink; they still get what they want.

I don't believe you're doing anything positive for the eBay community nor the United Stated as a Nation, but rather seems to me you have been conversing with the antigun fellows.

Time will tell. I say eBay business will be dropping considerably!

Why is it so hard to grasp? You can take every conceivable weapon out of the country and away from the law abiding people; and every criminal in the country would still have or be able to get the very weapons they desire; on top of that, crime would climb very fast because you would be helping the criminals by disarming the law abiding folks. Go figure!


Javier O Moncada / Pastor

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
email sent

Copy of email sent.

Mr. Halprin
It saddens me that you and your company have taken the stance... "Hello everyone…In mid-August, we will be updating our Firearms, Weapons and Knives Policy to place more restrictions around gun-related items. Once these changes take effect, we will prohibit listings of any firearm part that is required for the firing of a gun. This includes items like bullet tips, brass casings and shells, barrels, slides, cylinders, magazines, firing pins, trigger assemblies, etc. Please read the Firearms, Weapons and Knives Policy for more details on our current policy".

It is funny how a business that has lived the American dream from rags to riches would disregard law biding citizens the ability to use your site for what it was intended for. I have one question for you..Did you take off all the pornographic merchandise on the site as well? I am sure that we can relate many rapes and child molestations' to people that bought porn form your site. Oh, I forgot how much money you make from that part of your site.

It sounds ridiculous when you put it that way, doesn't it? No different than relating your decision to the Virginia Tec incident.

I guess today was my last ebay visit. I could only hope that you change your mind and quit punishing the masses for the actions of a few.
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Here is the responce that I got from ebay this morning.

Hello Sherman,

Thank you for your recent email to Matt Halprin in regard to changes to

our Firearms, Weapons and Knives policy. He has asked that I review
email and respond on his behalf.

At eBay we take the safety of our community and our marketplace very
seriously. We have a Trust and Safety team which consists of more than
2,000 experts in online security and safety who are located around the
globe. This team is dedicated to ensuring that our marketplace is a
and trusted place for buyers and sellers to engage in trade.

We value an open and transparent marketplace; if items are legal to buy

and sell in an unrestricted manner we allow them on our site. However,
there are some items that while legal, may not be safe for our
marketplace. In these instances, our applicable policies go beyond the
law to ensure that our marketplace is safe.

Currently we do not allow actual firearms on the site. After careful
consideration our executives and our Trust and Safety team determined
that any item required to fire a gun has no place on eBay. All of our
policies are under constant review. As the Internet and the way our
communities use the Internet evolves, our policies and our marketplace
must evolve with it. We determined that this policy change was in the
best interest of promoting a safe marketplace for all members.

Rebekah Long
Office of the President

--Original Message--

From: Sherman Seelinger
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 1:57 PM
To: Halprin, Matt
Subject: Firearms Parts

Mr. Halprin,
I just read about your new policy toward firearms related parts. It is a
shame that you guys are so intent to regulate legally own objects
through your website. With the many issues that I and many others have
had with your website in the last couple years you are really working
hard to push people away from using eBay. It is a shame and was a one
time such a great tool.
Thank You
We are all getting the same response. I guess that's expected! :(

Here's what I got:

Hello Javier,

Thank you for your recent email to Matt Halprin in regard to changes to
our Firearms, Weapons and Knives policy. He has asked that I review your
email and respond on his behalf.

At eBay we take the safety of our community and our marketplace very
seriously. We have a Trust and Safety team which consists of more than
2,000 experts in online security and safety who are located around the
globe. This team is dedicated to ensuring that our marketplace is a safe
and trusted place for buyers and sellers to engage in trade.

We value an open and transparent marketplace; if items are legal to buy
and sell in an unrestricted manner we allow them on our site. However,
there are some items that while legal, may not be safe for our
marketplace. In these instances, our applicable policies go beyond the
law to ensure that our marketplace is safe.

Currently we do not allow actual firearms on the site. After careful
consideration our executives and our Trust and Safety team determined
that any item required to fire a gun has no place on eBay. All of our
policies are under constant review. As the Internet and the way our
communities use the Internet evolves, our policies and our marketplace
must evolve with it. We determined that this policy change was in the
best interest of promoting a safe marketplace for all members.


Office of the President
eBay, Inc.

they should stop selling cars, 4-wheelers, motorcycles, chainsaws skill saws then! far more people get killed or hurt with these items!
Copy of email sent,

Mr. Halprin,

I am very disappointed on your recent anti-gun tactic on ebay. There is absolutely no reason to not sell gun parts. You will be hurting many small businesses. Why stop the legal sales of gun parts? You might as well stop selling cars and car parts because they kill a hell of a lot more people than guns do. This is a shame and a great example of ignorance. I hope you will change this ridiculous policy and think you will be surprised at the loss of income you will receive.

Ian Sexton

It's seem strange that they don't have any moral objections to selling porn but a 100 year old black powder case sends them running for cover. They own paypal so if your mad at ebay include the use of paypal in there also.
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