Eating Coyote

I read some where about a year ago some one was wondering how a coyote would taste. Well I was always taught you eat what you shoot. So the challenge and bucket list item was on. A few days ago I shot a young female in great shape. The perfect coyote for the test. I cut out one side of the back strap. I then cleaned all the silver and connective tissue I could and cut it in small pieces. Marinaded it in butter, salt, and, pepper. Then cooked it rare in a hot iron skillet. Amazed that the flavor was very good. However, it was like eating very very tough, jerky. PS- One piece was enough. My dog would not even eat the rest.
Hi ,When you think about what Coyote and Foxes eat , it's not always a fresh kill they sometimes scavenge and eat rotten dead meat . Some ansian guy in Australia was on youtube cooking up a fox and said it was great . But he was ansian and they are known to eat dogs :(
Stick to deer I say
There is one rule of thumb that has served me well even though it might be on my things to eat list. When cleaning it, listen to your nose, if it stinks, Pass on it. It may not be bad but you probably won't like it.

This happens on pigs and bear often depending on what they have been eating and the time of year. I can think of many things that shouldn't be eaten certain times of the year for one reason or the other.

That may explain why I have never eaten Coyote.

I have heard Bobcat was good never tried it but I have eat Crow a couple of times :O

Coyote NO, tried it. Cougar, one of the best wild animals I've ever eaten. Swear it taste more like a bird (quail) than an animal. Had to try Bobcat after the Cougar. It's just ok. Taste sort of like deer with a cat twang instead of deer twang if that makes sense. White meat like pork. My kid loved it and took a bag of fried backstrap steaks to school. Went to pick her up and she was in detention. I asked why, and they said for lying. Said she was giving everyone deer steaks and calling it Bobcat. I asked the teacher if she tried it. She said Yes, it was good. I asked her if she had ever had Deer steaks that were white meat. She looked at me really funny, and said do you mean?? I said apologize to my kid. She went straight to the bathroom and threw up, then apologized. Liberals! True Story.
The first coyote I shot looked pretty tasty with lots of large sections of meat available. At that time, I liked to try and eat what I shot. I thought about what goes into a coyote and all the mice and other rodents they eat and the diseases those vermin carry. I decided its best not too. I had eaten jackrabbit before and it was not good.
My rule has always been ... I DON'T EAT ANYTHING THAT A DOG WON'T EAT. A dog won't eat a coon either; however, the dog will eat the coon tail bone. Needless to say, I don't eat coon either.
I did not take this lightly. My thought was how could 100 million people be wrong. Well, I don't think they have seen, or heard, or follow the old American proverb " EAT MOR CHIKIN' ".
It's like Sushi if I was Tom Hanks on the island starving of course I would eat it!
But when I can just drive down the street to a steak house I'm not eating parasite
ridden raw fish or some scavenger that will consume anything it finds.
Chickens aren't any better I don't eat them either!
I read some where about a year ago some one was wondering how a coyote would taste. Well I was always taught you eat what you shoot. So the challenge and bucket list item was on. A few days ago I shot a young female in great shape. The perfect coyote for the test. I cut out one side of the back strap. I then cleaned all the silver and connective tissue I could and cut it in small pieces. Marinaded it in butter, salt, and, pepper. Then cooked it rare in a hot iron skillet. Amazed that the flavor was very good. However, it was like eating very very tough, jerky. PS- One piece was enough. My dog would not even eat the rest.

Believe it or not, I once fixed up the tenderloins out of a cougar I killed and it was delicious. Had guests over and they could not believe how fantastic the "deer tenderloin" tasted. Recipe per Mr. Ben Lilly. To my surprise, the meat was as white as chicken breast. Just goes to show you that everything tastes like chicken if you fix it right.
Been grinnin' the whole time reading these. I heard how good mountain lion was, so I assumed bobcat would be right up there. WRONG! Grilled some. Tough and chewy. Made jerky out of the rest. Better, but you just couldn't get around the strange 'funky' flavor. Cottontail rabbit - GREAT! Jack rabbit - NO WAY! Lot's of meat on 'em, but such a strong flavor. More intense than liver. Old trapper friend of mine wouldn't even bring me the coyote meat. Said it made him sick just thinking about eating it. I did eat porcupine 'once'. That was enough. Like chewing on pine bark. Couldn't get the smell off my hands for a week after skinning it.
Something is eating my coyotes . Maybe Big foot? I have been hanging my coyotes up on a tree limb the last few weeks and something has tore one down and been gnawing on him.
I hope no one read this thread and decided to try it...... So far only coyotes and a couple people eat them that I'm aware of. :D
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