Deer Hunting Question


Official LRH Sponsor
Mar 25, 2007
With the on-set of deer hunting season.....a good question!

Looking forward to hunting season but I do have a question. If I shoot a buck, but I only have a doe tag, can I claim that the buck wasn't really a buck?

I mean … maybe he'd always wanted to be a doe, but with no choice of his own he was born with the physical attributes of a male. And yet … on the inside he'd always known he was truly a female.

I'm just wondering if the game warden will buy it,........ because society and the Supreme Court do.

Yep, I mean, why should he not. After all, a game commissioner or game warden works for the government and the gov. is all about that sex change bull shi$t these days. My Grand Father is turning over in his grave.
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