Coyote killed my dog.

No Way! Catch a couple I'll bring one of my males. I'll prove what I'm claiming.
PS..bring a fist full of cash I enjoy a good wager. A German Shepherd is not a fighting/catch dog he doesn't have the breeding. That's not what they are for!
I sell pups to Hog Hunters all the time. They don't use German Shepherds or
Coyotes! Wonder Why? In fact I have a waiting list? Pups are a ton of work and
I have cut back some.
I am too old to go catch wilycoyotes. :)
I had a dog from the Rosebud reservation of South Dakota. He would take on one coyote, but if there was more than one he would stay 50 yards away. I've seen him chase one down and kick it's butt. My dog had some pit bull in him and wouldn't tolerate any trespassers in his territory.
I've seen a pack of 5 coyotes eating a yearling elk in my neighbors hay field. I was able to shoot two before they took off.
I have grandchildren and don't hesitate to kill any I see near my 40 acres even if they're on my neighbors land. Now I leave them where I shoot em and it has definitely helped keep em away from my place.
Excellent post.
This is the 3rd "coyote enters thru doggy door and eats pet" occurrence in a month here in the Southern Cal area, all have had to jump a fence or block wall to get in. Plenty of cats missing too. Can't shoot in the city but I hunt the outskirts.
The animal control officer here in San Diego also told me the coyote will go along a fence and make some noise - and when a domestic dog comes out to check it out - the coyote will jump the fence and kill the dog. Wily Coyotes - sooo smart.
Here's my new house dog Waylon, he's 6 months old on 8-14. The results of over 35 years with the same blood line! He's flat out nuts!
I missed this one earlier this year, just a couple miles from me. I live in a tract home and these were outside my fence last night, dudes got some big teeth and the other lost part of his ear. The pictures were good but I took a picture of the computer screen. They get thru the neighborhoods by running along the drainage swales and can see some of their trails on google earth.


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Had the same thing happen with 2 of our cats. We had those cats for 12 years! So I made SURE it would come back with some venison placed out at night. I live in a subdivision so firearm was out of the question (even though several neighbors told me they wouldn't mind). I boned up on my crossbow skills and nailed the thing. Both lungs and heart shot and I still had to follow the blood trail about 50 yards through a vacant lot, in other words VERY satisfactory ending. Good luck!
Not entirely true. I use Minnesota Brand Cast offset jaws and they will scuff up the skin
but don't break bones. Offset means when closed the jaws have about a 1/4 inch gap between them The cast iron jaws are thicker spreading out the pressure.
they also sell laminated jaws but I like cast.
A normal trap closes with the jaws touching and are bent steel not cast iron.
Those 650's have really strong springs! I use a setter.
Cats. They work great.

Ours could never survive a night outside so I went on a 10-year coyote shoot. Killed 77 over that time on two small ranches just north of the house.
The guy in the video said he uses cats too........ where the heck do you find so many cats ? I'm assuming they are dead cats
This thread has my interest as we have been dealing with the devil dogs for a few years. We live on the NC coast in a small drinking village with a fishing problem, 15 years ago the county had a feral cat problem today none. It was common to hear of 3-5 pets or ferals to get gone weekly and at times nightly.

Our county allows for 24/7/365 with NV and suppressed if you have it as does 95 out of 100 counties in NC. The remaining 5 counties are involved with Red Wolf hybrids and tree huggers. Most all hunt clubs have a shoot on sight policies.

My latest run in went down as I was giving RJ (my 5 yo Carolina Dingo Dog) his last property patrol before lights out. We exit the cottage and RJ bolts towards the pond, I sweep him with my light to see his target is a large yote. So RJ being the super dog that he thinks he is bolts right in behind the bait yote. By the time I get to the area where he left the yard he comes trotting out with 2 yotes in tow, the first dove back into the woods when I racked the slide, the second continued straight towards us with her nose on the ground. This is with a Streamlite on her face, at 20 yards i planted her.

This happened so fast that there would have been no saving the dog if I was not there and armed. Funny side was the wife coming out wanting to know what the yelling and gun shot was all about.

OP, sorry for your loss, I can fully understand your anger.
I live in a rural neighborhood all the places have 3 to 5 acre lots. Lot of wildlife walk thru the yards. I had a coyote kill 1 of my winnie dogs thursday morning about 4:30 am. I have been watching my yard with thermals and I got a look at him this morning about the same time. I only have 1 direction i can get a shot on him because of the houses around me.
I took a shot at him but it was a bad shot and i didnt hit him he ran off. I should have waited but my desire to kill this animal got the best of me. Will they usually come back after a couple days or did i miss my chance. I dont know anything about coyotes.
Try a few of these on for size:
Try a few of these on for size:View attachment 150036
I was sure lucky to have my Lucy all 65 lbs of her. She did not put up with coyotes. Several tried to chase here across some fields. she would claim the high ground and let it be known they were not welcome. They would see her and turn 180. She never did lose an encounter. She was extremely fast and could outmaneuver anything.
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