Copper Bullets

Not worth my time...
I wish you the best
Good call brother. You will get drug down to their level, then get beat with their experience. It really is getting sad over here.
Cheers, Brothers! I am having a tall Mountain Man.

Hammer, lose all their petals, creating mini wound channels. The shank will continue on, most likely penetrating out the other side with a caliber diameter hole. The seem to be very accurate and easy to load in my experience. The BC are some of the lowest of all monos and seem to be overstated. Weight retention not good

If they exit, how is "Weight retention not good"?
If they exit, how is "Weight retention not good"?
Weight retention is a mathematical equation. Not sure I understand your question.

I don't know about you, but a .264 entrance and exit doesn't give me warm and fuzzies. This is an issue I've had and leads to bad blood trails. Lots of mono manufacturers boast about losing petals like it's a good thing, but I'd prefer a nice big mushroom pushing out the opposite side!
Weight retention is a mathematical equation. Not sure I understand your question.

I don't know about you, but a .264 entrance and exit doesn't give me warm and fuzzies. This is an issue I've had and leads to bad blood trails. Lots of mono manufacturers boast about losing petals like it's a good thing, but I'd prefer a nice big mushroom pushing out the opposite side!
If all you can use is copper, like in CA, you find the best copper you can. During covid Hammer was the ONLY bullets we could even find for two years. I've tried other brands but have no reason to switch. Especially since I shoot/hunt with about five different calibers and you can call hammer and talk to someone, not a call center.

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