Classifieds privelages


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2020
Aloha all,

Sorry dont wanna sound greedy or whatever. But what are the requirements to post on classifieds, i only could find you need 10 messages on forums? There are a few rifles im hopin to post for a really good deal to give some new hunters a chance to get a custom rifle. Thanks for the input! Mahalo.
Aloha all,

Sorry dont wanna sound greedy or whatever. But what are the requirements to post on classifieds, i only could find you need 10 messages on forums? There are a few rifles im hopin to post for a really good deal to give some new hunters a chance to get a custom rifle. Thanks for the input! Mahalo.

Aloha! A belated welcome to LRH! You are correct, 10 in the minimum post number requirement. Be patient it might be down and might try again later. If it persists, contact Admin/Len.

Aloha! A belated welcome to LRH! You are correct, 10 in the minimum post number requirement. Be patient it might be down and might try again later. If it persists, contact Admin/Len.


Appreciate it brotha. Lol didnt wanna seem like i only joined to post on classifieds. Def been using LRH for years. Thanks again

Tagging in @Len Backus since i couldn't message him for some reason.
And with pics. So grab your camera and take some good pics with proper lighting. You would be surprised how much great pics will help move a rifle. Since you are in Hi you might want to mention shipping details also.
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