I buy Eley match 22lr as local as possible,then by the lot/fps,by the case or two, 5000rdsin a case.Missouri,Oklahoma and Kansas.Never thought to much about it until I had a problem with a Cabelas mastercard,my BS card for my habit,line by line it reads who's who in gun related goods.
Dot Indian read down my list of of purchases,didn't sound good coming from a poor dot Indian, Omaha Steaks,$$$ Kroegers,xxxx Liquor Store AR15xxxxx,Good shooting sales and services,SGammo,Powder Valley,something Armory etc.It sounded like I am a drunk ,shooting redneck,eating steaks from sacred cows.
Now I watch my credit card statements,I limit my buying to those that abbreviate or have a non gun related name. I kow ya still can be watched,no use making it easy for the watchers.
Ironic ,our country bombings for the last 20 years, averages 47 bombs a day,but wants to restrict our guns to protect us.