calling dogs----

They have been caught, killed and confirmed. Just not by you or me. Back in the 1950's - there was one that toured the country frozen in a block of ice so it would not rot. - there are pics of it on the web from back then. Pretty good close up ones too.

My theory is that there were relatively few of them around the turn of the century as compared to now. After the depression - many states greatly reduced the available months for deer hunting. now many states are over-run with deer. Most animals have their population numbers controlled by the availability of the food supply. So I think the upped food supply since WW2 has caused them to flourish in all most every state. Yes- there are MANY in
Alabama. More than most states too. Texas, Alabama,
mississippi, TN. , Va. ,Ky, Ar, Co. Montana, Idaho, NC, Sc,
Florida, Ga. Oh. , Pa, ND, ----- of coarse AK , Ca, Or, ------ the classic areas..... (and all of Canada)

just to shiver your timbers--- there was a track seen in Co.
in the high Rockies --- that measured 36 inches long. Think about how tall that would have to be. Thats BIBLICAL ! It indeed does change you point of view of everything to know that when you are in the woods-- you may be being watched by things you will never see. Well mostly never-
Well I was calling dogs one winter and got a cougar right in my lap!
I did the same but mine came in behind me. I felt the hair in the back of my neck standing on end and when I turned around he/she was crouched about 50 feet behind me. I don't know who was the most surprised/scared. That cat turned around and with three tremendous bounds disappeared from sight in what seemed like a microsecond.

It took a heck of a lot longer for me to get my heart rate back down to under a couple hundred beats per minute and I had the shakes for quite awhile. Needless to say I was done coyote hunting for the rest of that day.

My rifle felt like a toothpick in my hands and I have serious doubts that I could have gotten it into action before that cat pounced on me. Even typing this almost 35 years later I still feel the fear that put into me.
there is lots of actual evidence. Its just that some don't want to see it. So many skeptics -in many subjects- evoke the name of science- and then cherry pick the facts that support the negative and discount the other facts which support the positive. When using legitimate science-- all the evidence must be considered. When you start throwing evidence out on an emotional basis you don't have science anymore. You have propaganda. (remember the "science" we have just been through for 4 years ?)

Did you know that Theodore Roosevelt and Lewis and Clark
had their own Bigfoot encounters?

Have you heard of Dr. Melba Ketchum ? She has collected
over 200 DNA samples. She submitted them to 2 or 3 independent DNA labs- and all three came back with the same result. Mother human--- Father non-human unknown.

sorry to let you know--- mut Montana , Idaho and Colorado are filled with Bigfoot. There are plenty of videos of HUGE tree structures where full grown mature trees are either broken off or uprooted, carried for a distance and then up righted to build huge tee-pee structures or huge X shaped structures. These are trees that may weigh 5,000 pounds each. do you contend a drunk camper with plywood bigfoot shaped feet trekked 30 miles into the woods and uprooted 6000 lb trees ?

Or how about the logging camp that had the roof cage of a D9 bulldozer crushed with a 5000 pound boulder and another heavy vehicle rolled over- forcing the whole operation to flee the site. did the drunk camper with the plywood feet do that too ?

How about the close up pictures taken by Todd Standing.?
Nothing fuzzy about those.

Plenty of evidence--- just that some people don't want to see evidence. And if you do present evidence - you are a "nut" because you must be discredited. There is a thing I call the science mafia. If evidence doesn't fit their prefabricated model of reality--- it doesn't exist.
I don't need to be convinced.
So a 400 lb man/ape rolled or picked up a 5000 lb boulder and trees etc? Maybe it was a herd not a singular beast.... like I said, the more outlandish and crazy the story..... hey did you know wolves are like 10 feet tall and 300 lbs? On all 4's they're as tall as a mans shoulders.

BF believers cherry pick the science and narrative 100%. I am fine with that, I am fine with cherry picking the fact we have zero bodies to examine. Oh I know, they are really good at hiding and likely just eat their own so there is no way anyone is ever going to find evidence.

So yeah Melba Ketchum........ NDA, discredited, embarrassed the BF community.... yeah Ive heard of her and her desire to write books ($)and use gofundme...
PS--- no one should shoot one either. There was another report of AK of 5 or 6 hinters being dropped off via airplane at a remote hunting camp. The pilot observed something huge and furry on 2 legs on the way in. He was scheduled to pick them up in a week. When he returned he found 4
of them dead around the camp. All their brass was fired and empty on the ground. Found their rifles with the barrels bent backwards. The 4 bodies had the arms , legs and heads pulled off. 1 or 2 of the men were never found.

Reports of Fish and Game officers shooting one in the center of the chest with 30-06. Its reaction was to throw its deer over its shoulder and walk away. He said he saw the impact
right where he was aiming. it is said they have a sternum that is 5 or 6 inches thick. So if you shoot one- it only ****es them off worse.
For every documentary in support of squatch with a scientist throwing in credentials, there are 10 more saying no. Folk lore aside, what evidence? Shittie videos, foot print casts? We have hunters all over the world with the most advanced equipment trying to locate the king of hide and seek and yet we are at ground zero still. We do still have tribes practicing sacrificial rituals and believing in things like voodoo so I don't give them any credit at all. Last night I was watching, yet again, another documentary in support of the beast and in the end.......... nothing new. I did fall asleep so I need to rewatch part of it. I guess you have to decide which narrative you wish to go with..... folk lore or credible and repeatable scientific facts and evidence. My issue is that I know people crave attention and the more outlandish the claim the more attention you can garner from it. I get it, but I am a skeptic of this entire subject for good reason, science as a whole does not support the claim. I have to side with science on this subject simply because the whole ordeal is way too far fetched and people love a good outlandish story. There are 333 million people in the US and there are 5000 credible sightings listed. This is only a USA deal as well. There are 80000 UFO sightings. Right now there is zero DNA evidence to support the claim yet we have scientist discovering new species etc every year as things change and evolve. Some how this singular prehistoric being has survived 100's of thousands of years, coexisting with modern day USA, and not a single skeleton, credible hair fiber, or other evidence to support the science is there. Thankfully Idaho is not on the radar screen for bigfoot or aliens, I guess we are not wanted because we are skeptical pricks, but I am fine with that. The woods in the dark is already spooky enough without having to worry about being a yeti sex slave or alien probe toy. I am actually a bit happier not believing in the boogie man so I can venture out into the bush alone and only worrying about bears, lions, and wolves ruining my day.
I dunno, Daryl seemed pretty friendly in the commercial.
I dunno, Daryl seemed pretty friendly in the commercial.
I wouldn't mind having one as a bestie really. It would be awesome as a hunting buddy. He could carry my pack, carry my elk, and hell, I could sit on his shoulders. I could tell him all the crazy stories of BF being bullet proof, capable of hurling 5000 lb objects, the best hide and seek gamer on the planet, and how terrified people are. In the mean time I could teach him to shoot long range, feed him ice cream and marion berry pie, and he could drive my utv. If we get stuck or run out of fuel, he could just pick it up and carry it out.
They have been caught, killed and confirmed. Just not by you or me. Back in the 1950's - there was one that toured the country frozen in a block of ice so it would not rot. - there are pics of it on the web from back then. Pretty good close up ones too.

My theory is that there were relatively few of them around the turn of the century as compared to now. After the depression - many states greatly reduced the available months for deer hunting. now many states are over-run with deer. Most animals have their population numbers controlled by the availability of the food supply. So I think the upped food supply since WW2 has caused them to flourish in all most every state. Yes- there are MANY in
Alabama. More than most states too. Texas, Alabama,
mississippi, TN. , Va. ,Ky, Ar, Co. Montana, Idaho, NC, Sc,
Florida, Ga. Oh. , Pa, ND, ----- of coarse AK , Ca, Or, ------ the classic areas..... (and all of Canada)

just to shiver your timbers--- there was a track seen in Co.
in the high Rockies --- that measured 36 inches long. Think about how tall that would have to be. Thats BIBLICAL ! It indeed does change you point of view of everything to know that when you are in the woods-- you may be being watched by things you will never see. Well mostly never-
I'm not calling anyone a liar but I would not be surprised to find out that there are at least 300.000 trail cameras in operation in Arkansas, and if there were very many large, hairy, creatures besides men and women we would have lots of pictures on Facebook
there is lots of actual evidence. Its just that some don't want to see it. So many skeptics -in many subjects- evoke the name of science- and then cherry pick the facts that support the negative and discount the other facts which support the positive. When using legitimate science-- all the evidence must be considered. When you start throwing evidence out on an emotional basis you don't have science anymore. You have propaganda. (remember the "science" we have just been through for 4 years ?)

Did you know that Theodore Roosevelt and Lewis and Clark
had their own Bigfoot encounters?

Have you heard of Dr. Melba Ketchum ? She has collected
over 200 DNA samples. She submitted them to 2 or 3 independent DNA labs- and all three came back with the same result. Mother human--- Father non-human unknown.

sorry to let you know--- mut Montana , Idaho and Colorado are filled with Bigfoot. There are plenty of videos of HUGE tree structures where full grown mature trees are either broken off or uprooted, carried for a distance and then up righted to build huge tee-pee structures or huge X shaped structures. These are trees that may weigh 5,000 pounds each. do you contend a drunk camper with plywood bigfoot shaped feet trekked 30 miles into the woods and uprooted 6000 lb trees ?

Or how about the logging camp that had the roof cage of a D9 bulldozer crushed with a 5000 pound boulder and another heavy vehicle rolled over- forcing the whole operation to flee the site. did the drunk camper with the plywood feet do that too ?

How about the close up pictures taken by Todd Standing.?
Nothing fuzzy about those.

Plenty of evidence--- just that some people don't want to see evidence. And if you do present evidence - you are a "nut" because you must be discredited. There is a thing I call the science mafia. If evidence doesn't fit their prefabricated model of reality--- it doesn't exist.
I don't need to be convinced.
Would you please provide articles or news clips or pictures showing what you're referring to? I'm not doubting your word but would like corroborating evidence of what you're talking about because I've never heard of any of this.
I will believe it when I see the shaky and out of focus video.

How come with all the resources these Bigfoot enthusiasts have the video is always shaky and out of focus?

There are endangered species with population numbers in the 10s and we still find roadkill of them on occasion. Why are their no roadkill Bigfoot?
I'll come out say it as a rational person should: Bigfoot doesn't exist.
Photos from the (supposedly) 1950's of something inside a block of ice don't prove a thing. We can't even be sure it was real ice, How is that proof of an undiscovered species?

Joking about Bigfoot is fun. Actually believing in Bigfoot is a cry for help. If anyone's life is so empty that they drawn to myths for meaning, I firmly suggest that they can find real meaning in a very real Savior, Jesus--the One True God and eternal life. So if you want to put your faith in something unseen, base your faith solidly on the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles and believe in something real.
Jude 1: 6-7
"And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, he has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day; as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."

The Nephilim were giants, offspring of fallen angels (sons of God), and human women.
When I was in Tucson many, many years ago, I had a guy from Catalina (just the other side of Mt Lemon from Tucson) come in to my shop and during the course of conversation, he mentioned something about "They shouldn't be able to shoot mountain lions because they're so scarce" or something to that effect. His contention was that since he'd never seen any, they just weren't around. His property was right on the edge of the city with nothing but scrub and desert behind him. I told him he was probably surrounded by the big cats, 'yotes and lots of other critters he'd never seen before and basically, he called me a liar! Why, he'd lived out there for 15 years and never saw anything but the rabbits and sometimes deer. So I told him, let's make a date some evening and we'll do some calling and see what comes in, to which he agrees. On the appointed evening, just after twilight, I show up and we drive my old pickup to the back of his property. I dig out my million power light, my coat and a Rossi double barrel 12 gauge, which I loaded and set on the hood of my truck. He says, "What's that for?" I told him "because you never know what's going to come in to the call!" He scoffed but didn't say any more. So after sitting there for about 15 minutes, I start squalling on my call for about 4 minutes. When I switched on the light he gasped loudly! First thing the light falls on is a mountain lion maybe 30 yards away, standing there big as day and not at all caring about the light in his face. A 'yote not 20 yards away skooted off as soon as I put the light on him, as did his buddy who was only a few feet behind him. The guy was flabbergasted there were so many critters in his own back yard that he'd never seen before! I even managed to call in another cat and a deer! He just couldn't believe there were so many eyes out there, most of which we couldn't identify except that they were watching us! I told him these eyes had been watching him ever since he moved in there but he was actually shocked into silence! I love doing stuff like that!

As to big foot, I've never seen or heard anything that I couldn't identify out in the woods (in which I've spent a fair amout of time over the years, usually alone, and today I live in the woods!), so I guess I could be counted among the skeptics. Not saying they aren't out there, just that I've never seen anything that could have been one. I am very skeptical of self proclaimed experts who offer nothing but second, or third (or more) hand stories of what someone else saw. The same goes for aliens, out of body experiences and other paranormal events. I guess I'll believe when it happens to me. My biggest "evidence" *against* ghosts is that when my grandmother (who was a believer in all things ghostly) was dying I made her promise me that she would come to me and give me some kind of sign that I simply couldn't miss and she agreed. All these years and not a thing from her. Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait until I die to find out for sure. I'm in no hurry, mind you, but I don't think it's too likely. Oh well, what else can I say? I have as much "evidence" against as anyone else has for, so there!
When I was in Tucson many, many years ago, I had a guy from Catalina (just the other side of Mt Lemon from Tucson) come in to my shop and during the course of conversation, he mentioned something about "They shouldn't be able to shoot mountain lions because they're so scarce" or something to that effect. His contention was that since he'd never seen any, they just weren't around. His property was right on the edge of the city with nothing but scrub and desert behind him. I told him he was probably surrounded by the big cats, 'yotes and lots of other critters he'd never seen before and basically, he called me a liar! Why, he'd lived out there for 15 years and never saw anything but the rabbits and sometimes deer. So I told him, let's make a date some evening and we'll do some calling and see what comes in, to which he agrees. On the appointed evening, just after twilight, I show up and we drive my old pickup to the back of his property. I dig out my million power light, my coat and a Rossi double barrel 12 gauge, which I loaded and set on the hood of my truck. He says, "What's that for?" I told him "because you never know what's going to come in to the call!" He scoffed but didn't say any more. So after sitting there for about 15 minutes, I start squalling on my call for about 4 minutes. When I switched on the light he gasped loudly! First thing the light falls on is a mountain lion maybe 30 yards away, standing there big as day and not at all caring about the light in his face. A 'yote not 20 yards away skooted off as soon as I put the light on him, as did his buddy who was only a few feet behind him. The guy was flabbergasted there were so many critters in his own back yard that he'd never seen before! I even managed to call in another cat and a deer! He just couldn't believe there were so many eyes out there, most of which we couldn't identify except that they were watching us! I told him these eyes had been watching him ever since he moved in there but he was actually shocked into silence! I love doing stuff like that!

As to big foot, I've never seen or heard anything that I couldn't identify out in the woods (in which I've spent a fair amout of time over the years, usually alone, and today I live in the woods!), so I guess I could be counted among the skeptics. Not saying they aren't out there, just that I've never seen anything that could have been one. I am very skeptical of self proclaimed experts who offer nothing but second, or third (or more) hand stories of what someone else saw. The same goes for aliens, out of body experiences and other paranormal events. I guess I'll believe when it happens to me. My biggest "evidence" *against* ghosts is that when my grandmother (who was a believer in all things ghostly) was dying I made her promise me that she would come to me and give me some kind of sign that I simply couldn't miss and she agreed. All these years and not a thing from her. Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait until I die to find out for sure. I'm in no hurry, mind you, but I don't think it's too likely. Oh well, what else can I say? I have as much "evidence" against as anyone else has for, so there!
Love hunting with a thermal. The things I can find in the dark is crazy.

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