Blown 30/06 reloaded 1x casing?


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2009
Reloaded about 60 rds of RP and FC brass, 1x, using Nosler 190gr. BTHP with 46.5 grs. of 4064 at 2626 fps.

Shot about 20rds, when this round blew, debris came back past the bolt, across the face just below the safety glasses. I was questioning shooting the rest of the lot.

I did however with no problems, not used to seeing this kind of failure with the primer still intact, as you can see I count 4 distinct openings.

rifle was a 700 Long Range.

Anyone seen this kind of failure, what's your thoughts??

I would say it was a bad case. Did you work up the load separately with both brand of brass? I worked up a load using Remington brass with my 22-250, after working up the load I loaded 50 cases and some how a Winchester case was loaded by accident. When I Fired it the recoil was noticeably higher, I had to hammer the bolt open and the primer was gone.....
Just like you, my best guess at the end of the day shooting 4 different guns and calibers, was the casing was weak, bad or I missed something when I resized and reloaded it.
What surprised me was the position of the primer, it looked as if nothing happened.

First time in yrs. I have had gas and debris come back and across my face, it was very sobering since all my rds. are reloads, don't shoot new at all except some handgun calibers.
I will never buy federal brass again after I posted my thread on extreme growth brass, I know it sizes to your chamber when fired, but I have never had brass to grow that much .005 to .007 always with nosler, win, or hornady brass its only .002
Reloaded about 60 rds of RP and FC brass, 1x, using Nosler 190gr. BTHP with 46.5 grs. of 4064 at 2626 fps.

Shot about 20rds, when this round blew, debris came back past the bolt, across the face just below the safety glasses. I was questioning shooting the rest of the lot.

I did however with no problems, not used to seeing this kind of failure with the primer still intact, as you can see I count 4 distinct openings.

rifle was a 700 Long Range.

Anyone seen this kind of failure, what's your thoughts??

Yes, have seen the same recently, but it was a Lapua case.
It's a manufacturing defect in the brass caused when being drawn/extruded.
It happens from time to time.

I was looking for some input based on experience, sounds like you have been there, we all know when something like this happens the "what did I do wrong factor kicks in".

Like most shooters striving for accuracy and safety at the same time, I am pretty anal about the safety first part, but you remember what Forrest Gump said *hit happens.

I just hate it when it's out of your control, especially with another shooter only an arms length away, knowing I was shooting reloads.
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