Blackstar barrels


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2006
Gordonsville, VA
Has anyone out there had real-life experience with Blackstar Barrels--that is, either the barrels themselves, or the bore-polishing procedure that the company advertises?

Even though the site carries endorsements from some well-known people (Bruce Baer, for example), I'd like to know whether the company lives up to their claims--quality of manufacture, accuracy improvement, increased ballistic performance, ease of cleaning, that sort of thing.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
Are they even still in business? I remember seeing all sorts of stuff about them years ago in varmint hunter mag but then they dissappeared. I believe they were based right here in southern Idaho. They supposedly could build a gun BBL with whatever custom twist you wanted. like a 1:9.75 or some odd thing like that and they also could taper the bore so the muzzle would be .0002" smaller than the breach. Then they could cryo treat the BBL and harden the bore. They seemed to have it all figured out and then POOF! They were gone. Havent heard a thing on this forum about them ever.
they are still in buisness, they use lothar walther barrel then chemical etch then to the apptopiate bore diameter. they take there tolls on reamers. very hard barrels

Black Star barrels are made from 17-4 SS and they are made to Black Stars standards buy Lothar Walther , the material is definatly harder than regular 416 SS

I bought two several years back when Brownells was closing them out. One has been chambered in 22-250AI and has probably 2000 rounds or so through it , all moly. still shoot the same groups as it did 1900 rounds ago , which is in the .3's
the other barrel is a 25 cal and its probably gonna end up as a 25-300Win mag
I personaly do see any differance in cleaning ability or accuracy over any other high end barrles

The bore polishing process is Electro-Polishing , is basicaly making the bote mirrior smooth
JD, I knew that Blackstars were electro-chemically polished but, I just had to ask d-a about how they attained "appropriate bore diameter" by etching.
Thats a good question , but they are very unifome though , I'm happy with mine , I just hope that the 257 barrel shoots as well as the 22 barrel
They have changed suppliers over the years and have gone out of business once or twice that I know of. I picked up a 30cal barrel back in 1997 think the barrel were made by K&P. You might want to post on about those barrels, when they first came out those guys shot alot of them and PS did some articles on those barrels. Only thing I can tell you as to cleaning most good barrels clean up pretty easy as to the improved ballistic I never seen any. I took the Black Star barrel and chamber it in a 30-338mag wanted it as a back up rifle to my other 30-338mag. Both rifles shoot groups 1/2" for 3 shoots opened up abit on 5 shots. Most of my rifles that have been rebarrel I use Chanyln,Lilja,Hart,Shilen and Broughton and I can honestly say the Black Star isn't any better than those barrels.
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