Best pack scope for under $1K ??


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2008
SW Idaho
Looking for thoughts/experience on spotting scopes that are packable (at least reasonably so). I'm hunting elk in the Rockies and have all my gear for the day on my the big optic scopes just don't work.

I'm considering the Leupold 12 - 14 x 60. Seems like it squeezes some good usable optics into a reasonable package.

Any advice?
Look no further!

You already mentioned the one I would recommend for the price you said.

There are ones with more XX's and bigger lenses for low light.
There are also more compact ones with lower XX's too, but I think it's quite possibly the best "medium" size scope out there. One feature I really like is the depth of field.........more of a 3D view than the straighter scopes out there.
I believe they call it a porro prism style or design rather than a roof prism style? Either way, the view in rugged terrain is alot more eye friendly in my opinion.

I like mine alot!
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Thanks SBruce. I'm definitely leaning in this direction. This one seems to have a good reputation.

Others have pointed me toward the Nikon ED50 and some of the Kowa compact scopes. The Nikon is intriguing because it is so small and has a reputation for good optics. One thing I need to check into is the eye relief...seems that I remember seeing that the Leupold has some good eye relief characteristics.

Thanks again!
You're Welcome!

I dont know anything about the other scopes you mentioned, but be careful about going too small. The smaller the lenses, the less low light performance.

Yes the Leupold has good eye relief, and once you focus it at 40X, it stays focused at all the lower powers too......a nice feature.
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