Berger 140 Hybrid on game?


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2010
So what are the results on people shooting game up to moose with Berger 140 Hybrid bullets. With what cartridge, velocity and what distance did you shoot your animal at? What was your quarry?

There are a few coyotes around here that don't like my 260 Rem. After seeing what those 140s did to these dogs, Ill use the combination next year on whitetails at a reasonable distance.

I asked the same question a little while back as my custom 260. Rem shot the 140 hybrids so increadibly well I didn't want to mess with anything! General consensus came back to switch to the 140 HVLD's. I switched and now shoot them instead for hunting. Have yet to let either bullet touch fur/meat for an actual comparison. Velocity stayed close, and accuracy was **** near the same! Benefit is I feel a little more confident with the HVLD's as from what I was told
I used to shoot them and killed a lot of hogs and song dogs and they are deadly. The longest shot on a hog was 586 it was a shoulder shot and the hog never moved, the rifle was a 6.5 Super LR. I started shooting Hornady 140bthp simply for the price but I just got in some RDF's to try
Berger Hybrids fly awesome out of **** near every gun that I've tried with them, a lot of time the best of any bullet. But I will only use them for paper or varmints. For the life of me I have no idea why someone would want a fragmenting bullet for game that is consumed. I know they are deadly, but I want a bullet that mushrooms instead of disintegrates into the animal.

Have also heard of the bullet pinholing through an animal or if it doesn't dirt-nap on impact, a lot of times the bullet will not leave the animal and caliber sized hole for blood trail usually doesn't generate much.

Not knocking anyone who uses them for hunting, we've all seen the LR videos of instant performance out of the VLD's, but not my cup of tea. I can get an Accubond or something else to run nearly as well as a VLD for my hunting purposes.
Berger Fragmenting? Not sure that is ALWAYS a true statement. Below is a 7mm, 180 Berger Hybrid retrieved from an elk a couple of years ago. Shot was a bit over 650 yards. I have also killed numerous deer with the 140 Hybrids with excellent results.

I don't believe I said anything about always. Always never happens... At 650 yards the energy is what, guessing about 1900 ft/lbs, compared that to what it is inside of 300yards,,, obviously it's going to do different things to that bullet. Berger does not even try to tote their bullets as staying together, actually the opposite. I believe they state that they shed up to 85%, so basically the copper *** end stays together, at least at closer ranges.

I'm guessing that all of your Berger's you shot game with didn't stay together like that...
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