Bear country: Bear spray vs Firearms (video)

Learning to be proficient with bear spray is an issue. Most would probably use up the can with the bear too far away. Also, Wind could make the bear spray very difficult to use until they are right on you.

Many people would freeze up on a bear attack. Those that carry a firearm, need to be proficient with that firearm.

It does take time for Bear spray to work, bears can move at a remarkable speed, faster than a horse.

Perhaps bear spray should be used by the National Guard on the Border of Texas, and it would be interesting to see how effective it is.
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Elk bugle = Bear call

You have two arms, spray in one arm, and a large caliber pistol in the other.

Sounds like the bear is more important than people.....hummm......will have to think about that issue.
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I was accidentally hit with a dose of bear spray. It was unpleasant but not as debillitating as I expected. It was no worse than the OC spray I had to be exposed too when I got my LEO certification
I would only use bear spray on a very calm day. Other than that, I'm grabbing my rifle or 10mm. I'd rather deal with an ******* prosecuter than be mauled to death or at best ripped to pieces. Of course, warning shots first but if a bear is charging, being aggressive, and in a range that's closer than I can physically react to it's speed....10mm is flying.