AZ deer. Anybody else draw?

Michael Eichele

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2003
The rifle range, or archery range or behind the co
Well I drew my late whitetail tag for unit 22 in AZ. I cant say I am suprised. I knew I would be in the bonus point pass with all the points I had. I drew tag #2. I am super stoked about this trip. I will be dreaminig of rut crazed bucks from here till after the hunt and then some.

Anybody else draw in AZ?
michael- congratulations. i got a 12a west late ; AND A ROCKY MOUNTAIN BIGHORN TAG. the dern seasons are back to back too. work is for people that don't hunt
an acctuary could not figure the odds of both of those tags in the same year. going to really deplete both my time off work allowance and my hunting fund. you got a great tag also. keep me posted and good hunting
I drew an any elk tag and a deer in 19b. Starting school this fall and figured the longer season for the any elk would be beneficial and the deer tag is in one of those zones so I can hunt for both at the same time for a while.
Congrats on the draw, Ron.
My brother and I both drew Nov 22 Bull tags, and Oct 36B WT tags. Good year for us.
Didn't get drawn but was able to pick up a left over 30A tag for the early hunt 10/23 - 30. Dos Cabezas here I come...

GOOD luck in 30a. i am just guessing ; you get your tag line from the "chores" your wife gives you when you get back from tucson.
I drew a tag for area 22 for mule deer. I don't know the area so I have a lot to learn. I put in for that area from what I have heard from some bow hunters that saw some big mulies that were way out of bow range but would be in gun range.
I hunt with a Contender in .338JDJ by SSK industries. JD Jones company.
Any tips on the area would be appreciated.
I drew a unit 34b late whitetail tag (DEC 11-31). Pretty excited about the early rut hunt. I haven't had a dec tag in many years. I just like that hunt with the colder weather and the begining of the rut you can't go wrong. The downside is, I don't know the unit very well but I will begin to learn right now. Off to the reloading bench for now and then to the range. Practice, practice, practice! I love it and live it!
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