Awesome new torches for my annealer!


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
I have been historically unhappy with my torches I've run on my annealer. They always worked, but they just weren't super easy to adjust. Turns out there's a type of torch that solves that problem quite well! Super uniform flame and an infinitely adjustable valve. Not touchy at all like the other torches. I really like that there isn't a pencil tip in there that creates hot spots. It's just a nice uniform flame. I can't imagine a better type of flame for annealing.

Here's the torch on amazon:

Thanks for the post. Checked it out and I think I will try one. I just anneal with a cordless drill, flame, and drop in water. But I think the less focused flame might be good with that method too.
Ok, now I feel like an idiot. The original torches I listed are discontinued, and this torch:

... is actually a LOT better!

It has a swivel, and push button ignition. It also is standard diameter head, so it slights right into my bench source without any fuss at all. Still a super uniform excellent flame. THIS is the torch to get for annealing folks.


Yes, dwell time has been reduced. Yes, the torch will still light without the igniter, like a regular torch.
So I've been playing with this some more, and it seems like 2 of these torches is a waste. They are Soooooo hot. Today I ran a batch with 2 torches, and a batch with one torch. With 2 torches, I had them turned way down and I still had to reduce the cycle time to about 2 seconds. The excess heat really warms up my shell plate too. With a single torch, I can still run a 2 second dwell time if I open the torch wide open, but things seemed happiest at a 3 second dwell time and the torch about half way.


What kind of hoses and splitter are you using to be able to use the torches without directly attaching them to small propane bottles? That part of your setup looks neat.