Are Wildcat Bullets No More?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
I saw on another site that Wildcat Bullets had gone out of business and just wanted to verify this with folks in the know.


I saw on another site that Wildcat Bullets had gone out of business and just wanted to verify this with folks in the know.



My understanding is that Richard sold the business and there's hope that the new owners will carry on. It'd sure be nice to get these bullets up and running consistently.
How will this affect the guys who shoot the Allen Mag Cartrdiges like the 270 AM and the 7mm AM?
On the 7mm side, Bob Cautarucio says that this 7mm 189 grain VLDs (used to be 176 grains but he now fills the jacket completely with lead) will hold together up to and beyond 3,300 fps, but the 7mm AM is way beyond 3,300 in velocity.

I was told that the new owners will start making and selling the bullets. I have no reason to doubt this. I wasn't given a time table.
I was told that the new owners will start making and selling the bullets. I have no reason to doubt this. I wasn't given a time table.

Any contact info for them? I've got a project that I'm considering and my confidence in their product and my confidence in their ability and will to consistently produce enough bullets may be a factor in some of my decisions. It would sure be great to be able to get regular updates from these folks.
I think the WC bullet "experience" has been a good lesson for us about building guns around a single supplier. I was about to order a .375 barrel with the intent of shooting some AL tipped bullets from WC. I decided to go with 338 and try 375 later.... turned out to be a good(lucky) decision. The sierra 375's look to be disappointing at best and not available att. The berger and hornaday 338's are still quite a ways out but the SMK is proven, available and working until there are more options. What are you thinking about building?
I think the WC bullet "experience" has been a good lesson for us about building guns around a single supplier. I was about to order a .375 barrel with the intent of shooting some AL tipped bullets from WC. I decided to go with 338 and try 375 later.... turned out to be a good(lucky) decision. The sierra 375's look to be disappointing at best and not available att. The berger and hornaday 338's are still quite a ways out but the SMK is proven, available and working until there are more options. What are you thinking about building?

.338 something. Right now I'd have to throat it for the 300 SMK, not that that is bad, I'm just curious to see what Berger does here in the next year or so and if Wildcat really comes up as a consistent supplier of high BC hunting bullets in the near future. Just get it re-throated, I guess.
When you are practicing just shoot 10 shot strings as fast as you can and it will be throated for the longer bullets in no time...haha
How will this affect the guys who shoot the Allen Mag Cartrdiges like the 270 AM and the 7mm AM?

Won't affect me at all. I ordered enough bullets with the 7mm AM elk rifle to last me the life of the barrel or my knee cartilage, which ever goes bad first. This season we killed seven animals with the 200 HP RBBT and the rifle was fired 28 times and that included checking the zero on three different occaisions (and a little goofing around with a rock at 1870 yards :D ).

Much the same can be said for my 240 Wby. Once I discovered it liked the 115 Bergers and they were so effective to and past 1K on antelope, I bought enough to last the barrel. There were rumors that Berger might discontinue them, so I took no chances.
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