Anyone using a Laser Technology TruPulse rangefinder?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
I've been reading up on these- Laser Technology - TruPulse 200 Rangefinder and the specs make them seem quite attractive for the $750 price tag. Anybody using them?

I was considering buying a Leica CRF 1600, but this is around the same price and is supposedly capable of 200o yard ranging on hard targets. The real deciding factor for me will be beam divergence, because my current Zeiss Victory PRF just can't pick out a coyote at distances past 5-600 yards.

Whaddaya think? Leica or Laser Technology?
I borrowed one from my work and was not impressed. The guys at work that use these have to use a reflector past 400 yards. I couldnt get the one I borrowed to give any readings past 500 yards. Excelent glass is the only good thing I can say.

I lasered a 1736 yd target (juniper bush) this morning in mid morning sun with my 1600. Tha said, it wasn't always giving me readings but I wasn't a tripod, just bracing my elbows on a 2x6 rail. The 1600 also provides temp, pressure and angle.

Does the 1600 actually display the temperature, pressure, and angle, or does it just account for it with the ballistic program?
I dont know about the other guys but that looks like a Dead Ringer for the G-7 only its less than half the price, Just a thought???

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