Anyone use Wipe Out by SharpShoot-R??

For Wayne Mc D:
MSRP for a can of wipeout is 11.99. They have 8 products total, but one is very interesting! It's wipe-out accelerator, which is an 8oz bottle that makes wipe-out work twice as fast.
Read a great article on this stuff, and how great it is in removing copper.
Talked to Paul Company Inc. and decided to sell these products out of my Gunshop. Figure I'd offer a substantial discount to Long Range Hunting folks, which should be at least 20 - 25%!!!! I like helping people a lot more than I like making money....
Keep in touch and I'll save you some $$$ if you're interested.
I have the same problem as the other fellow.
Foam gets everywhere. Especially difficult in the muzzle brake.
What I need is some sort of plugs I guess.
I put bore patches {2} in my bore guide,put guide in action.Now fill barrel from the muzzle end,approx. 1-1.5 sec shot or until foam visible.The excess will expand out the muzzle and the bore patches if pushed just out the end of the bore huide will seal and keep the foam out of the action.Keep it off your wood stock,wipe off immediately if on wood.
I just put the bolt in.
Spray it down the muzzle holding it very tight to the muzzle so it can't expand out.
Let is sit run a patch wipe down the bolt and wipe out the chamber.
Usually repeat the process 3 times and that is it.
I run a bore snake down it two or three times first to get the big stuff out.
I hate cleaning rifles, God Bless the creators of wipe out!!!!!!
There's wipe out, then the bore foam that Forrester (from Finland?) markets. Of the two, I like the Forrester much better. The foam doesn't break down as fast as wipeout, and seems to work more quickly.....are they the same stuff??? Sure doesn't seem like it.

Just one guys opinion....

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