Anyone have an accuracy one runout gauge?

The Oregonian

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Missoula, Montana
I have a runout gauge which I like other than the fact it takes hand pressure and hand turning, so the reading is dependent on applying the same pressure throughout, which is difficult when rotating the round. The accuracy one takes care of that and also allows other measurements to be taken (bullet runout, for instance).

I am leaning towards getting one but wanted to see if anyone here had any experience...they seem to get great reviews from everyone outside of the price.
Looks like a nice tool, and I hate to be a party pooper, but I've done extensive testing on bullet runout and if you have good dies, it doesn't matter. At 600 yards accuracy was unaffected by run out of up to .005". even .010" caused little loss of accuracy. I was actually disappointed because I really thought a more aligned bullet was essential to top accuracy. Other factors like selecting the optimum propellant and even primer were much more able to affect accuracy.
You may want to check out the concentricity gauge from 21st Century Shooting. Similar to the Accuracy One, but about $80 cheaper. I use one and it's well made and easy to use.
I should have elaborated a bit more & said I cant find one here in Australia!.
Can get 21 century locally though so that is probably my answer.
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