6.5x284 @ 1000


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2013
Meridian, Idaho
I am pretty happy for my future father in law who was able to make this shot on his first attempt at 1000 yards. He is a retired LEO from San Jose and had not shot beyond 150 yards. It was a bit of a miserable day for glass and vid with smokey air and heat waves but considering all of that the video camera did well. I have vids from 1000, 1100, 1500, and 1660 I am editing down to fit size requirements of youtube and down load time for the computer etc. Perhaps I can have that done in the next few days.

He is shooting my Savage 112 6.5x284 with a Night Force 5-22x56 NXS NPR1. I am using Shooter on an Ipod, Leica 1600, and Kestrel. The video camera I got from Ami on fathers day and finally got to use it. I have some vid of her shooting 1500 I can post too. It was her furthest shot attempt. She missed 2 and hit 1. I think her pattern at that range with swirling winds was 2MOA. Not bad for a new shooter.

Impact on rock is slightly right of center and it ricochets to the right.

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This is Ami at 1500. The vid has not been edited so ignore all the blah blah blah. I am proud of her for giving this a go. She has only shot a rifle with a scope a handful of times and considering I shoot left handed, she shoots right, and all the things that can go wrong....I love seeing her smile. She is a Correction Officer at the local Pen and the boys out there don't give her a lot of credit. I have more vid of her but the file is too large to upload. I have to edit all that stuff first. I think this vid shows a 1 shot miss. She shot 3 times, 1 hit, and 2 miss.

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Edited the video. It is 73% complete on the download and should be on youtube today if all goes well.

I am no expert and the vid shows that. It is just super fun to go out and shoot at rocks and see how it goes. With the addition of the camera I am now able to review uncalled/unseen shots and see what happened. I hope it makes me a better shooter.

There is a lot to reading wind correctly and I am still a beginner so bare with me. On this day the wind was swirling around and driving me crazy. You will also notice we are not being very technical about windage and hold. I have learned that I need to keep it simple with people who are not trying to be experts, but just want to fling lead down range and have some fun. Most of the stuff I keep in my head so I don't drive my family nuts. Kind of like better to be thought of fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

One thing I would like to hear from the experts is your thoughts on spin drift and coriolis affect. I did not put these variables in the computer and assumed there is not much affect at these shorter distances with a faily fast bullet. Let me know if I should be accounting and for them and how. Thanks.
Something seems wrong with vid upload section. Not sure if this is working yet.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYy8rX0GLi4]Long Range Shooting - YouTube[/ame]

I am no expert either but in know that with my 338 LM shooting a 300 gr OTM that spin drift alone will take me off my point of aim by about 5". I have the shooter app that I use on my phone and all you do is put in the bullet length and turn sprin drift on and it will automatically include that dialing for your windage.

Coriolis effect I believe is going to depend on what your latitude and azimuth bearing are as to how much it will make you e off your point of aim.
Vid upload failed. Do over.
I played with shooter and noticed at the longer distances I need to use it for sure. Learning

I am no expert either but in know that with my 338 LM shooting a 300 gr OTM that spin drift alone will take me off my point of aim by about 5". I have the shooter app that I use on my phone and all you do is put in the bullet length and turn sprin drift on and it will automatically include that dialing for your windage.

Coriolis effect I believe is going to depend on what your latitude and azimuth bearing are as to how much it will make you e off your point of aim.

I use the shooter app and don't see where to turn the spin drift on. Maybe it's my platform. I use it on my iPhone. Any ideas??
I didn't think the iPod and iPhone were different. On the iPod the spin drift is toward bottom of page where you input your data for shooting conditions.
Also I think you have to have bullet lengths etc input as well. I have as much data as possible in there so the system has the best chance of giving the most accurate solution.
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