338 WM best loads


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
I searched on here. Didn't have any luck. I have been wanting a 340 weatherby. But I have found a really good deal on a as new 338 WM. So my question is, can you load a WM to weatherby ballistics, Or better?
I searched on here. Didn't have any luck. I have been wanting a 340 weatherby. But I have found a really good deal on a as new 338 WM. So my question is, can you load a WM to weatherby ballistics, Or better?

Best long range load is probably the 225gr Accubond over RL-19 for about 2800fps.
Best long range load is probably the 225gr Accubond over RL-19 for about 2800fps.

if you get a 338 win with a 26" bbl like mine you may be able to hit 2900 fps with a 225 (either hdy or accubond) like I do but I'd spitball 2800 fps for most 24" bbl 338 win's with 225 grain slugs.
Hey guys, thanks for the replies. I think I am just going to keep saving up for an Edge or 340.
Yeah, best way to go if you want high performance.
If you can find a Remington in 338Win you can just run a 340 Reamer into it.
The 340 runs the 225 to 3000fps.

The 338Rum to 3200fps.

The Edge gives you another hundred feet or so, but in a light hunting rifle I think the 340 is about ideal. The Rum is quite a bit faster, but in a 8.5 pound gun you had better not mind recoil.

I have a 8.5 pound 338 Edge, but I wont let just anybody shoot it...The thing is viciously quick in recoil. If you get your head close too the scope you are going to be hurt and are off for stitches.
In a Sendero weight gun it is a piece of cake.
I too will be configuring charges this summer I hope, if I can get primers/brass with out being gouged . Most here seem to have the Remmy or Savage in this magnum. Anybody have the Browning w/Boss or am I alone and did'nt choose wisely?
Huh.. See now I have to disagree about the 340 wby. I've never been overly impressed with the cartridge. If you don't plan to shoot over 600 yds you'd probably be alright but beyond that it drops like a rock. Price of ammunition is almost a $100/20 rds. If you reload it won't be bad but neither will a 300 rum or a 338 rum.

Look into the ballistics for a 300 rum next to the 340 wby.

Yes completely different caliber but with the 300 rum with a 180 gr bullet well out performs the 340 wby with a 225 gr bullet both in velocity and ft.lb. energy. My neighbor and I just went through this exact conversation a couple of weeks ago. He was dead set in his ways for a 340 wby but after I showed him how the 300 rum performed he agreed the 340 wby would be a pore choice and ended up buying a Sendero 300 rum.

Just my .02
Huh.. See now I have to disagree about the 340 wby. I've never been overly impressed with the cartridge. If you don't plan to shoot over 600 yds you'd probably be alright but beyond that it drops like a rock. Price of ammunition is almost a $100/20 rds. If you reload it won't be bad but neither will a 300 rum or a 338 rum.

Look into the ballistics for a 300 rum next to the 340 wby.

Yes completely different caliber but with the 300 rum with a 180 gr bullet well out performs the 340 wby with a 225 gr bullet both in velocity and ft.lb. energy. My neighbor and I just went through this exact conversation a couple of weeks ago. He was dead set in his ways for a 340 wby but after I showed him how the 300 rum performed he agreed the 340 wby would be a pore choice and ended up buying a Sendero 300 rum.

Just my .02

If you have never been overly impressed by the 340 it is because you have never used one.
Paper ballistics are great, but they give no credit to bullet size nor the much heavier construction of the 338 bullet. On large game at normal hunting distances the cartridge is a legendary performer whose bone smashing bullets leave any 30 cal behind in the dust. I have killed Alaska/Yukon moose, grizzly, black bear, elk, bison, kudu, eland and a host of smaller animals with the 340...I can assure you it preforms like no 30 cal can when the going gets tough. The tougher the shot angle and the bigger the animal the better the 340 looks...I spent 10 years killing animals all over the globe with the cartridge.....I am not guessing about this.

At long range "flat shooting" means nothing...I dial up for the drop.
So what if we compare your 180gr Accubond at 3400fps to the 340Wby with a 300gr Berger @ 2500fps? At 600 yards the 300UM retains 2261fps/2043ftlbs while the 340Wby is 1912fps/2437ftlbs? Better yet in a 10mph crosswind the 340 only drifts 18 inches while the "almighty" 300UM drifts 21! By 1000 yards the 340 has almost caught the small bullet in velocity and has 600ftlbs more than your 300?

Yes, I picked the best bullet for the 340, but you stacked 180 grains in a ridiculously huge case against it. Is a 300 a great choice for the lower 48? Absolutely! I might add the 300Win is my favorite.

That said the 340Wby is hardly a poor choice anywhere on this planet.
If you have never been overly impressed by the 340 it is because you have never used one.
Paper ballistics are great, but they give no credit to bullet size nor the much heavier construction of the 338 bullet. On large game at normal hunting distances the cartridge is a legendary performer whose bone smashing bullets leave any 30 cal behind in the dust. I have killed Alaska/Yukon moose, grizzly, black bear, elk, bison, kudu, eland and a host of smaller animals with the 340...I can assure you it preforms like no 30 cal can when the going gets tough. The tougher the shot angle and the bigger the animal the better the 340 looks...I spent 10 years killing animals all over the globe with the cartridge.....I am not guessing about this.

At long range "flat shooting" means nothing...I dial up for the drop.
So what if we compare your 180gr Accubond at 3400fps to the 340Wby with a 300gr Berger @ 2500fps? At 600 yards the 300UM retains 2261fps/2043ftlbs while the 340Wby is 1912fps/2437ftlbs? Better yet in a 10mph crosswind the 340 only drifts 18 inches while the "almighty" 300UM drifts 21! By 1000 yards the 340 has almost caught the small bullet in velocity and has 600ftlbs more than your 300?

Yes, I picked the best bullet for the 340, but you stacked 180 grains in a ridiculously huge case against it. Is a 300 a great choice for the lower 48? Absolutely! I might add the 300Win is my favorite.

That said the 340Wby is hardly a poor choice anywhere on this planet.

I love me some Weatherby :D.
Well for myself here in Montana with the elk deer and bear I hunt I have never had a problem with the 300 rum with dropping them at all ranges and different body shots. I have never own a 340 for a simple fact that there is no need for it with a the rums and the 338 lapua.

I also use my turrets when shooting long range anything.. Holding over and slinging lead is not my way...

And if yor going to compare apples to apples lets go 180 - 225 gr bullets not 180 - 300 gr bullets...

600 yards
340 wby: 225 gr bullet
300 rum: 180 gr bullet

340 wby- 1782fps
300 rum- 2285fps

Ft.lb. energy:
340 wby- 1587ft.lb
300 rum- 2088ft.lb

There's no argument about wind with your 180-300 gr comment but at a difference of 2moa if you are using your turrets there shouldn't be any problem..

It maybe a great caliber but I'll take it you've never owned any of the ultra mags...

If you have never been overly impressed by the 340 it is because you have never used one.
Paper ballistics are great, but they give no credit to bullet size nor the much heavier construction of the 338 bullet. On large game at normal hunting distances the cartridge is a legendary performer whose bone smashing bullets leave any 30 cal behind in the dust. I have killed Alaska/Yukon moose, grizzly, black bear, elk, bison, kudu, eland and a host of smaller animals with the 340...I can assure you it preforms like no 30 cal can when the going gets tough. The tougher the shot angle and the bigger the animal the better the 340 looks...I spent 10 years killing animals all over the globe with the cartridge.....I am not guessing about this.

At long range "flat shooting" means nothing...I dial up for the drop.
So what if we compare your 180gr Accubond at 3400fps to the 340Wby with a 300gr Berger @ 2500fps? At 600 yards the 300UM retains 2261fps/2043ftlbs while the 340Wby is 1912fps/2437ftlbs? Better yet in a 10mph crosswind the 340 only drifts 18 inches while the "almighty" 300UM drifts 21! By 1000 yards the 340 has almost caught the small bullet in velocity and has 600ftlbs more than your 300?

Yes, I picked the best bullet for the 340, but you stacked 180 grains in a ridiculously huge case against it. Is a 300 a great choice for the lower 48? Absolutely! I might add the 300Win is my favorite.

That said the 340Wby is hardly a poor choice anywhere on this planet.
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I can get 2930 FPS with 225gr and Reloader 19 in my 24" barrel 338 Win

In a 26" you should get 2950 FPS that is excellent performance for the 338 Win with 225gr Part.

Close to the 340 WBY but no cigar!
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