338 Lapua weight vs. performance


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2011
I am in the process of stepping up to the 338 class, but I am having trouble deciding on the weight of rifle I should build! My first thought was to have a light rifle to be able to pack with. Now I am having second thoughts about the weight. I have read enough on this sight to know that as a rule of thumb weight helps with long range accuracy. So my question is, would making a 338 lapua light enough to pack take away from the caliber's potential at ELR?

I have shot plenty of LM's and Edges in the 12 lb range with scope and bipod shoot very well at 1200 and beyond.

The Sendero contour sized barrel, in 28 or 30" will be fine for what you want.

Thanks broz for the response! Just out of curiosity what weight would be ur minimum for a rifle of that caliber?
I would not see a reason to want one under 11 lbs with scope and pod. If I wanted a lighter rifle than that I would drop back to a 300 win.

That said my 300 win is 11.6 lbs and I carry it in my pack. It will do anything I need a rifle to do out to 1000 and do it well. I think of the 338's for gong farther and want the weight for stability and reduced felt recoil to spot shots. Light 338's can get to jumping pretty good. Not saying the 338 Mags would not do a good job under 1000. They would indeed. Just not what I would want to be shooting in a light rifle.

My 338 lapua hunting rifle is 12.5 # scoped and with bi-pod for the life of me I don't know how you could make one much lighter..or if you would want to.

Here are the specs on mine

Proof research 26" Carbon Wrapped barrel, SMR single shot action, SMR SS 20 MOA Rail, Mcmillian M40-A stock, SMR Muzzle Break. Cerakoted OD Green Barreled action to match the stock vortex pmr rings and vortex 4-16x44 viper hs with xlr reticle. The pic shows it with a diffrent scope and bipod.


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Thanks to both of u broz and 406! That was my Problem I was thinking that a heavier rifle would stand a chance of being more consistant at ELR, but I didn't know if I should try to make it as light as possible to pack with. I was afraid if I did go light with the gun I would be giving up some of its potential! Thanks again. U all have helped me out with my decision
The rifle I posted is not what id consider a true elr rig I picked it up.specifically as a pack rifle designed for 100-1200 yards. My elr lapua will bust the scales at 16 plus .
That's what I was thinking 406. I am gunna go a different rout and make my 338 a lil heavier to make it a dedicated ELR stick! Thanks again for the help! Any thoughts on the AR-30 platform?
I feel that you should keep the rifle at 13lbs or more. I am in the school of thought that you should get stronger and build endurance to meet with whatever physical demands you may face. I am not saying that to downgrade you (could have medical problems, short suspense on a hunt, numerous other reasons). But I think hunters would enjoy a hunt more if they had a physical goal and worked toward it so they would not be sucking on the hunt. Not to mention you would feel better, live longer, and have a better standard of living. Plus with the extra biceps you could really swing the 15lb 338 LM to get a proper lead at running game! :D

Once again not down grading anyone. Physical strength and stamina is not spoken about much on here when it is definitely a contributing factor to a successful hunt. And I think you should prepare your mind and body as much as you prepare your equipment. Which if hunters did that they would be physical freaks of nature.
I am in the process of stepping up to the 338 class, but I am having trouble deciding on the weight of rifle I should build! My first thought was to have a light rifle to be able to pack with. Now I am having second thoughts about the weight. I have read enough on this sight to know that as a rule of thumb weight helps with long range accuracy. So my question is, would making a 338 lapua light enough to pack take away from the caliber's potential at ELR?


weight in a long range rifle with large caliber is nice, but not necessary. Just finished shooting a mile (1760 yards) with my Savage 111 LRH in 338 Lapua. Its a super light rifle. Perhaps a heavier rifle wouldve made it easier, but it doesnt mean its not do able. 1 mile shot with 338 Lapua Magnum - YouTube
The caliber is capable of doing it in any weight configuration...its just that once you start to really stretch its' legs the heavier platforms make it alot easier by reducing recoil and shooter errors. When shooting a light rifle or even bow for that matter every shooter movement is amplified and impacts the shot accordingly.
I definitely agree on the fact that the caliber alone is very capable! I am just wondering if there is a border line between weight and performance when talking ELR. I guess it all boils down to the shooter. But then again I find myself wondering if a guy or gal is stacking odds against them selfs if they go below a certain weight of rifle.
I definatley think that your hedging your bets by going heavier over lighter..the way I look at it is if I plan on covering a ton of country and being in the brush I take my 12 # rifle.

If I am going to be setting up in a known ambush location I'll take the 16# rifle and a thermos.:D

Besides dosn't everyone need another rifle!!!
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