.264 Win. Mag


Active Member
Apr 8, 2013
west central Indiana
Have a chance to get one but was wondering what those of you that have one think of them. What loads do you shoot, what game have you shot with one and barrel life. Thanks a bunch.
I built one a couple years ago and love it. I'm shooting 140 Bergers at 3145 fps. Last year was the first year hunting and we shot 5 animals: bull moose 266 yards, antelope 580, antelope 510, mule deer 535 and bull elk 850.

My son shot our first 2014 animal, an antelope at 313.

I really like mine and seems to hit like a hammer.
Get it the 264. It is my all time favorite round. Very flat shooting little recoil. I have had three of them. My current one I'm shooting 140 Bergers at 3280 and it holds half moa or better every time I shoot it. I have taken a whitetail at 409 yds and a coyote at 597 yds with my current 264. I let my buddy take my old model 70 264 out west about five years ago on a elk hunt and he shot a cow at 370 yards . One shot dropped her in her tracks. He came back and offered me about 300 bucks more than I paid for it . Now about the only rifle he carries is the 264
I've loved the 6.5's for a very long time and had always wanted a .264. Got a good deal on a 700 CDL SF last year, bedded it, and put a nice leupold 4.5-14x52 on it.

Shot factory nosler accubond's in 130gr sub MOA so I didn't do much else with it. Shot a few coyotes between 400-700yds with it and two white tail does at 425 and 510yds.

Deader than a hammer with one shot each. My little wife loves to shoot it as well as my brother's young son.

Barrel life is not an issue unless you are doing high volume shooting so I would not worry about it.

It's just a fantastic little round, kind of like the 300wm, it just works every time.
Really like mine. Handload 130 grain Accubond over Reloader 19 at .5 grain under max. Sub MOA, and actually just a hair over .5 MOA. Use it for deer. Low recoil.

Won't replace my 7mm Rem Mag as my favorite caliber but a close 2nd.
Wyofax and Lee31 both of you said "I shoot 140 Bergers" Which Berger 140? VLD? There are four 6.5 cal 140 Bergers.
Wyofax and Lee31 both of you said "I shoot 140 Bergers" Which Berger 140? VLD? There are four 6.5 cal 140 Bergers.

I'm using the VLD Hunting bullet. Standard hunting orange box VLD 6.5X140.

Heading out this weekend with a buddy for mule deer. I bet we test that loads terminal performance again.
140 gr Berger Hunting VLD WW case Fed 215M primer 68.5 gr Retumbo gets me 3280 fps out of a Broughton 8 twist at 28 inches. Same load gets 3200 fps out of my CDL SF Remington and my son's Sendero. Love the 264 Win Mag.
I'm shooting a Model 70 XTR .264 Win Man with the factory barrel. I have been thinking of going to a higher BC bullet but have yet to make the switch because of shortage of powder & bullets. I still have several boxes of Nosler 120gr BT. & IMR 4350. I have been useing Nosler 120gr BT to 3225 FPS it has worked perfect on Mule Deer & Antelope. Longest shot to date a little over 500 yds on a Antelope with complete passthrough & DRT. I would not be afraid to use this out to 750 yds.
I sight it dead on at 300 yds and till just under 400 yds it's just. Point & Shoot, no dialing till 400 yds and beyond. My average group size at 300 yds is under 2.5 inches. I like the .264 Win Mag because I'm no fan of recoil & I can still shoot this well.


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It's a great caliber that had been around for a long time. For shooting 140 VLD's note the twist rate of the barrel and the throating. Optimum twist is 1:8 and throating should accommodate seating the bullet close or at the lands without the bullet extending too far into the case, which will reduce powder capacity/velocity.IMO.
It's a great caliber that had been around for a long time. For shooting 140 VLD's note the twist rate of the barrel and the throating. Optimum twist is 1:8 and throating should accommodate seating the bullet close or at the lands without the bullet extending too far into the case, which will reduce powder capacity/velocity.IMO.

There is no question that 1:8 is better, but I have found the factory 1:9 still works with VLD's. Berger 140 VLD's touch the rifling in my factory Winchester Model 70 @ 3.373 OAL, easily feeding from the mag. There is enough capacity in the .264 WM case that bullet seating depth doesn't seem to hurt performance to the extent that it does the smaller cases. Even using slow powders, I have yet to run out of case capacity before reaching pressure limits.
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