223 to 260 conversion?

The Oregonian

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Missoula, Montana
I have a LH R700 VS in 223. Wanting a 260 and wondering if it is a better option to sell the 223 and buy a 260 or of I can easily and cheaply accurize and convert the 223.

I am not going for lowest cost, set on keeping the 223, or against going full custom (Kirby or Dallas Lane)...just exploring options before I move forward.
The car you already have is the cheapest to buy. Oh, I mean action.

You can use your LH 223 action. The ease vs. economics are up to you.

Accurizing a R700 is a known.
Barrels are a known.
Opening the bolt is a known.
Changing the bolt stop is a known.
Changing the mag box is a known.

Then you would have a rifle that can hang with the best.

Or you could buy factory and wonder.

Or you can go custom and maybe exceed the accuracy of what you built from your prior rifle.

Always a tough choice.

Since I promote the concept of building so that you learn, of course I'd say build it from your LH R700 223 VS.
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