2 weeks til wyo antelope

Area 22 near Buffalo Wy. in mid-Oct. Just taking my Win. Mod. 70 Featherweight in 250-3000 (100gr. Ballistic tips). It did the job at 320yds. last year. Also Pds. and will be bringing old "Yellow Dog" for that job.



Nice Lope and I am partial to Savage target actions. Mine is a 6mm Norma BR. and will be shooting 105 gr. Berger VLDs. topped off with a new Vortex Viper PST FFP MOA scope with a Vortex custom turret that is dead nuts out to 400 plus yards which is about the ethical limit of my load.

Good luck this year,

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Nice to hear it is such a popular spot; I've got 4 doe tags and one buck tag for PH in area #7 near New Castle, Wy. Just over 17 days and counting!!!!!!!!!!!

My son and I have been practicing together all summer; he turns 8 tomorrow and, while he may not shoot out there he could if the law allowed. As of now he'll be spotting for me and my 257 Ackley:


I'm taking two 30-06s as well. One is my Mauser M-1996 scoped (my "meat getter") as a back up for the Ackley and my SC-Built '03-A3 with a Williams reciever sight that has yet to be bloodied.

I'm meeting my gunsmith and his son who is about the same age as mine and we're tent camping on BLM land. Promises to be a fantastic time, as I'm sharing my first real western hunt with one of my favorite hunting partners!

Good luck all,

i just got my first build back from the smiths in time for my hunt.

stiller action
manners stock
riflebasix trigger
badger dm
sheilin 26 inch 1-8 select match barrel
falcon menace 5.5-25 scope (i want to try ffp a little cheaper before buying a uso ill either replace this scope with a uso or go back to nightforce)




i just installed the badger these pics are pre badger
see ya up there all...
we're leaving tonight /tomm morning at 1 am.
should be in casper around lunch time tomm, get our written permission slips, groceries, ice, etc... a good lunch, and out to the ranch to set up camp then scout.

if we have internet service or cell phone, we'll check in.

take care, have fun, and enjoy...
I'm heading out Saturday the 18th. for unit 71 west of Casper, will hunt 'till the 23rd.-24th. then up to Bar None KOA for a couple of days to hunt the Hat 6 with some guys from the Specialty Pistols forum. Then if I need to back down to unit 71 for a few more days.

Good luck everyone!

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What caliber is your rifle?

I was going to by the same scope as yours, but my wife got REALLY lucky and ordered a Vortex Viper 6-24x50mm PST FFP MOA scope and got it for my 6mm Norma BR. with a Brux 26" 1 in 8" twist barrel.

Testing new Vortex custom turret. - Georgia Outdoor News Forum :D


: We are leaving the 25th. of this month for Gillette, Wyoming.

my rifle is a 260. i shoot f-class witha diffrent 260 so i figured building my hunting rifle in 260 saved me buying dies and whatnot. i took the scope off and put my nf benchrest scope on for load development. then ill mount the falcon and see what i think. there is a swarovski on the floor iin the first pic. if i really dont like ffp ill use it on the hunt
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