1/4" @ 50 yards


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2011
Philadelphia, PA.
I was looking at the Nikon Pro-Staff 3-9x40 rimfire scope. It has 1/4" @ 50 yard adjustments. Would I be correct in assuming that this equates to 1/2" @ 100 yards? For a specific .22LR round, ( 100 yard zero ) the drop at 200 yards is 40". This is approximately 20MOA. This would require 40 clicks of adjustment as opposed to 80 clicks for a 1/4" @ 100 yard scope, am I correct? A software program I was using indicated 80 clicks, I believe the software is using 1/4" @ 100 yards as a default setting. Just verifying that I am not missing something. Thank you in advance.


Thank you for your response, I appreciate it. I was relatively confident that the software was wrong. I'm new to all of this, I guess I needed reassurance. More than likely, the software figured the adjustment needed based on the typical scope, that has 1/4"@100 yard adjustments. Thanks again.

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