1/2 in recoil pad on large bore


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2014

I am looking to upgrade the sporter stock on my 338 Lapua.

Do any of you run 1/2" recoil pads with your large bore rifles?

I noticed some of the spacer-adjustable LOP stocks use a 1/2" pad even on some of their big boomers. There are a lot of tactical or vertical grip stocks available with 1/2" recoil pads.

The rifle is getting a more effective brake, and the current set up (1" recoil pad) recoil is very manageable for my use.

Back in the day, we used flat rubber pads on bolt action match rifles. No recoil pads, even on magnum any-any rifles. The belief was that thick recoil pads could compress unpredictably under recoil, and shift the point of impact. I used 1/4" thick Roy Dunlap solid rubber pads on .308, 30-06, 7mm Rem mag, and a 30-338 magnum. Never tested the theory about p.o.i. shift, so don't know if it occurred or not.
If you can shoot the rifle prone or on the bench without flinching, I would stay with a solid rubber buttplate.

The .338 Lapua is a fine cartridge!

Thanks for the reply. I have several older rifles with smaller rubber recoil pads and they have been just fine. I haven't heard of recoil pads altering point of impact, but it sounds like a great excuse for my poor shooting... ha ha. I think if I find a good stock I'm going to get it.
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