Boca Raton Boat Dumping Trash in Ocean


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
Anybody see this recently? I can't wrap my head around anyone doing this under any circumstances! They have been identified by Florida F&W and obviously gonna pay dearly. I hope the USCG will get involved as well since out in Ocean Federal Waterways.

That boat is definitely north of $250K and pray they lose it in penalties along with fines. Prison sentences are not off table I read.

I am well calibrated to international experience to environmental conditions. I performed environmental work in 15+ countries, Eastern Europe, Western Europe (reason to define relative to environmental conditions), South America, PAC RIM where people lived in open dumps as "scavengers" and had school buses drop kids off at the dumps. I can go on about chemical and waste petroleum "storage" facilities that you had to throw away your shoes. Gotten better but long way to go.

The level of environmental care or concern had not risen above survival at that time in many localities.

This is inexcusable in our country being done by people of wealth and with utter narcissistic moronic attitude. The self importance, ego and indifference to what they DECIDED to do is beyond any excuse. This was a conscious decision without remorse.

IMO, that boat needs to be seized as part of an environmental crime no different that a poaching case. Personal civil and criminal charges need to be brought to bear as well.
Plus the oceans already have 15,000 ships sunk from WWII, down there on the ocean floor. Nearly 75,000,000 plus tons of ships, cargo, bombs, gun barrels, powder, oil, fuel, bronze, and steel are all down there at the mercy of the salt. So, don't make it worse, with those beer cans!!
There is honestly worse things that are pumped out of a cargo ships ballast tank
Should they ne doing this ? No
Is it the end of the world, not really
On the one hand, they actually had trash cans... If they didnt care about trash, they would just throw the garbage over the side right away
OMG one little boat threw two small cans of party trash into the ocean. Have you ever been on a US Sub or Ship at SEA? Ever see what a foreign container ship dumps at sea?
I don't condone this but in the big picture of what is really going on????
This make the news?????

Just take a look at every "Party Coves" at a Lake or along the shore.
Up until1992 New York City disposed of 80% of their trash on Garbage scows, sent out to sea and simply dumped in the Ocean. They only did that for about 100 years tho. Think a bit too much of the medical waste, in plastic bags, made it back to shore and that, put the Kibosh on the whole operation. Yep, not a good deal.
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Up until1992 New York City disposed of 80% of their trash on Garbage scows, sent out to sea and simply dumped in the Ocean. They only did that for about 100 years tho. Think a bit too much of the medical waste, in plastic bags, made it back to shore and that, put the Kibosh on the whole operation. Yep, not a good deal.
YEP all the east coast and west states dumped their garbage into the oceans from SCOWS. It was a common thing. (probably still is in some parts. Where do you think all the sewerage gets dumped from Shore Cities??? Shore cities only run their sewage a first stage recommunication and then dump into the Ocean a specific distance from the shore.. Ever go to a beach and see a 6' diameter pipe running into the ocean by a breakwater?? Why do you think that condoms and needles keep washing up on NJ & NY shores??? Plastic & rubber doesn't deteriorate.
Yep they run that pipe aways out to sea underwater and it's just a discharge, sometimes causes a little fertilizer bloom of sea life critters.
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Just remember where all the sewage goes.......right into the rivers.....
Sometimes with flooding or high rain amounts there are often "accidental discharges" of raw sewage straight into the rivers......