Have 30-06 change to .300wm?

I could be wrong but I don't think Mark is saying 210s "needed" 1:11 twist to stabilize, but rather 1:11 twist will stabilize the 210.

Nosler recommends the 1:10 (300 Winchester Magnum).

You are right Ed, they need a maximum twist of 11" or tighter. They do recommend a 10" twist. And I would recommend a 10" twist or tighter in any 30 cal rifle meant for LR shooting.

The 215 Hybrids will stabilize in a 10" twist and significantly out perform the 210 ABLR

The 215 Hybrid isn't available in a hunting-jacket thickness. It isn't bonded, and it isn't tipped.

It probably will outperform the 210 ABLR ballistically, but there are other reasons a person may prefer the ABLR.
The 215 Hybrid isn't available in a hunting-jacket thickness. It isn't bonded, and it isn't tipped.

It probably will outperform the 210 ABLR ballistically, but there are other reasons a person may prefer the ABLR.

Yup, everyone certainly has a choice. There was a time that Berger called their now "hunting" bullets, "target" bullets.

It's hard to argue with 19 shots and 19 kills.


You use the ABLR's. I'll use the 230 Hybrids in my RUM.
Wow you guys have posted great information. I see that I should probably go to plan B and get the savage 111 long range hunter in .300WM (so I can load to full length the big bullets ) and I also was thinking about the nosler LRAB in the 210. It`s those small details that you guys have pointed out that make the difference . I hate it when you get the gun and find those details out later. I have done that too many times.
I just double checked before posting, the long range hunter in .300 wm has a twist rate of 10"how will that work as Kcebcj said 11 is whats recommended as I would like to shoot the 210 LRAC

if you go to a more powerful cartridge you need the same or higher level of accuracy. the 111 is not a Remington sendero. .
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