Preferred Snowshoes for Predator Hunting?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2007
Black River Falls, WI
I've been looking around for a pair of snowshoes for coyote/fox hunting up here in Wisconsin but there are so many choices. I tried hunting last winter without them in a few feet of snow, and all I can say is NEVER AGAIN!!!

I am 5' 9", 200lbs (all muscle of course!) and with hunting clothes and gear, I imagine I would be in the 220 to 230lb range. My hunting would take place in a variety of terrain from rolling hills and woods, to low lands and marshes. I'm looking to go with one of the newer styles. I don't really have a budget, so I'm open to anything. I figure if I'm going to spend the money, I might as well pony up and get the best (buy once, cry once).

I've seen a few brands, MSR, Tubb, etc..., but they all look the same to me and I don't really know the quality difference between the brands.

So what brand and model of snowshoes do you guys use or prefer?
I scarfed up on a pair of those metal army surplus ones and do just fine. Heavy sage brush can be a bit of a prob but for mountains and rolling hills I can keep my feet under me. My max load with pack and rifle is nearly 300 pounds. Made my own things to fit my boots.
I have a pair of Red Feather snowshoes that I like a lot. They're the only brand I've ever tried but they work well. The model is Hike; made in the good ol' USA too!
I scarfed up on a pair of those metal army surplus ones and do just fine. Heavy sage brush can be a bit of a prob but for mountains and rolling hills I can keep my feet under me. My max load with pack and rifle is nearly 300 pounds. Made my own things to fit my boots.

Same here. Sportsman's Guide had them for $30 with the bindings at Christmas time. Bought some for my whole family. They aren't as light as the new models, but they work. I have a set of MSR Denali's that I take when I go out on my snowmobile. They are compact and lightweight, but don't quite have the flotation that the old military ones do.
I've used MSRs a lot and I really like them. You can easily modify the surface area to accomodate heavy loads by switching tails, and they are lightweight.
Last year I had to go to my traditional wood with rawhide for the fluffy days. I have a pair of MSR red plastic with the extensions that have worked well. I am using mudd boots this year.
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