Spell check.....

Agree totaly but here is a cool little thing I got sent to me with a bunch of other IQ games.

More Brain Stuff .. . . from Cambridge University

Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs psas it on!!

Amazing what the human brain is able to do in fractions of a second.


Still no excuse! Fill out a work application form for me that looked akin to that and I would send your arse down the road very quickly!!
Still no excuse! Fill out a work application form for me that looked akin to that and I would send your arse down the road very quickly!!

Lucky fer me I gotsa a job that dont require me to be able to rite so good.....just be able to make the parts look jest like the pic on the print:D
Sorry we fall short of your expectations=get over it!
Doesn't bother me a bit. I can always get the point people here are trying to make. But then I may well indeed be one you are refering to. My spellin sux. My excuse is a worn keyboard that somethimes leaves out letters and spaces and, I missed a lot of school too. Some times us kids had to stay home and work the farm as the folks needed help. But our parents made sure we was all in Church every Sunday. They did have high priorities and wanted us to have the best things in life.

Sooooo, I agree with the last post. If that is how you judge a person then I don't want to work for you either. So yeah, some of us fall short of you.


Jeff the dummy. gun)gun)

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Doesn't bother me a bit. I can always get the point people here are trying to make. But then I may well indeed be one you are refering to. My spellin sux. My excuse is a worn keyboard that somethimes leaves out letters and spaces and, I missed a lot of school too. Some times us kids had to stay home and work the farm as the folks needed help. But our parents made sure we was all in Church every Sunday. They did have high priorities and wanted us to have the best things in life.

Sooooo, I agree with the last post. If that is how you judge a person then I don't want to work for you either. So yeah, some of us fall short of you.


Jeff the dummy. gun)gun)


I've ridden on a bronc more miles backwards than you have forward...through hail, rain, high winds, and thunderstorms rounding up open range cattle, slopped the hogs, picked cotton, cut firewood, built fences and what have you and was in church on Sunday as well and THAT didn't interfere with me getting an education! Fine with me.....just remain ignorant!!
I expect I know the thread and the guy you are referring to and spelling isn't his chief problem it is just the symptom of his general laziness.

Amazing how many threads there are in the last few days of people wanting other people to spoon feed them.
I've ridden on a bronc more miles backwards than you have forward...through hail, rain, high winds, and thunderstorms rounding up open range cattle, slopped the hogs, picked cotton, cut firewood, built fences and what have you and was in church on Sunday as well and THAT didn't interfere with me getting an education! Fine with me.....just remain ignorant!!

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!! Man you are special. I have before thought some of your posts were a bit on the arrogant side. But this takes the cake.

OK, YOU! are da man!!! :D:D:D

I've ridden on a bronc more miles backwards than you have forward...through hail, rain, high winds, and thunderstorms rounding up open range cattle, slopped the hogs, picked cotton, cut firewood, built fences and what have you and was in church on Sunday as well and THAT didn't interfere with me getting an education! Fine with me.....just remain ignorant!!

Maybe your time could be better spent "sloppin Hawgs and "pickin cotn'.
I think there are a lot of sites where grammar and correctness are in vogue.....Rich
Sorry guys but I have to vent a little now. Sharpsman did you ever stop and think maybe whoever you are whining about has some sort of learning disability. Like myself, say Dyslexia? No of course not.

A guy by the name of A. Einstein had a similar problem. I guess he was dumb to just because he wasn't much of a speller or reader also.

Brent the Dyslexic
I've ridden on a bronc more miles backwards than you have forward...through hail, rain, high winds, and thunderstorms rounding up open range cattle, slopped the hogs, picked cotton, cut firewood, built fences and what have you and was in church on Sunday as well and THAT didn't interfere with me getting an education! Fine with me.....just remain ignorant!!

Thanks at 62 i will. My don't we think high of your self.
I've ridden on a bronc more miles backwards than you have forward...through hail, rain, high winds, and thunderstorms rounding up open range cattle, slopped the hogs, picked cotton, cut firewood, built fences and what have you and was in church on Sunday as well and THAT didn't interfere with me getting an education! Fine with me.....just remain ignorant!!

Yea - and I have been to a dozen county fairs and seen 2 buzzards f$%#^&@ but I"ve never seen a reason to throw a hissy fit over another man's spelling, especially on a long range shooting forum. LIGHTEN UP on us dumb fellows up here in the North country - hell, my fingers haven't been thawed out since Thanksgiving.
Spelling has always been a struggle for me. I cant get the spell check to work on here. If I'm writing a new thread I will type it in word and cut and paste. If I'm just commenting I dont realy think about it or let it bother me for that matter.

I have always been able to read what other have written no matter how bad it was spelled and never once felt the need to correct them,
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