Coyote/Deer dumped in river

Sounds like whoever's doing it has a "system", and uses bridges in different locations, and maybe at different times since the deer shows way more decay than the coyotes. That's gotta' be 1 guy or group of guys that have a bridge dumping system.
Taking their privilege of having a hunting license taken away for life as earlier mentioned probably wouldn't deter this sort of thing as anyone/s who would do this probably has no problem hunting w/o a license.
A co-worker of mine said it today and it applies here also "The goverment should have a lifegaurd at the gene pool so that sort of thing doesnt happen"
A co-worker of mine said it today and it applies here also "The goverment should have a lifegaurd at the gene pool so that sort of thing doesnt happen"

Maybe someone should give them a new Toyota. People who cant figure out how to shift onto neutral, or turn off the key obviously come from a similar gene pool as the ones ''smart'' enough dump animals off a bridge. That would solve alot of problembs. Just give the bad guys a new Toyota, and tell them the Darwin Award is up for grabbs :D
Don't know about the coyotes but the deer give me the impression they were shot, probably during the deer season, partially skinned, and then dumped. I've met a couple of younger guys over the years who skin deer down just far enough to get the backstraps out and reach in with fingers and get the tenderloins out, without completely gutting the deer. The rest is thrown away. I can't help it, that chaps my arse! My Dad and GrandDad taught me to skin the animal down to the jawbone and keep everything edible. JohnnyK.[/QUOTE

I was taught the same way. The deer were most likely shot but not tagged.
Yah, what's up with not putting the Toyota into "N" or turn off. Anyone wanna lay a bet that within a year or two of the Congressional Investigation that there's a new warning label on all vehicle visors that should your vehicle involuntarily accelerate to turn engine off and place in neutral and in 2 languages:rolleyes:. And then it may go on to say braking and steering may become more difficult or who knows maybe the Fed will mandate a backup/independent brake/steering system so the cost of the average vehicle goes up...Ya get the idea...all because some can't find "N" of off...we'll all pay...well except for the Toyota Execs.
Not a defence, but here if you get rid of a carcass and it has a tag on it your getting a ticket. The tag stays with the largest portion of meat.
This matter should be turned over to the F&W division for investigation. The dumping is too extensive for the participants to have covered all of the evidence. The source of these animals is probably easier to determine than it appears. Questioning potential witnesses will bring out all sorts of information.

If this matter is investigated today, there probably won't be another occurrence tomorrow.
Not a defence, but here if you get rid of a carcass and it has a tag on it your getting a ticket. The tag stays with the largest portion of meat.

True, I guess if I were planning to pollute a river, I'd not want my tags on any of the carcass' that I was dumping off of a bridge.

Disposing of a carcass is one thing (we have dumpsters near by) but throwing twenty of them into a water source is a little difficult to defend on any level. A good way to get the attention of anti-hunters and cast a spot light onto our sport. Just what we need when we have a Liberal president and congress both.
I guess the only good thing is that the liberal congress is so inept that even with a a super majority, they couldn't get anything done.

Oops, was that too political?
This matter should be turned over to the F&W division for investigation. The dumping is too extensive for the participants to have covered all of the evidence. The source of these animals is probably easier to determine than it appears. Questioning potential witnesses will bring out all sorts of information.

If this matter is investigated today, there probably won't be another occurrence tomorrow.

Yep, done.
That is senseless, it only makes it harder for us to hunt areas everytime this happen. I am a avid coyote hunter and After I skin my coyotes I dump them before I come home way out in the middle of nowhere. This is one reason I am not a fan of contests!
It appears that things like this give contests a bad name, even among hunters.

The water pollution and bad press of something like this is a terrible thing for hunters, lets not make it worse on ourselves by pointing fingers at something that may not even be related.

Remember fellas, the contest didn't dump the coyotes there. Blaming things like this on a contest is just like blaming guns for a school shooting. The contest didn't do the dumping anymore than the gun pulled its own trigger.

Some person or group of people are responsible.......period. Regardless of why or how the animals were taken, they shouldn't have been dumped where they were.
From what I see and read, the part I dont like is the waste and dumping of numerous carcases in a stream. I dont know SD game laws so I'll try not to comment on that.

I have no lost love for coyotes and if they are killed, I dont care if it's a gun or a snowmobile, as long as it is legal. To me, there is nothing more morally wrong in running down a coyote wth a snow mobile than a coyote running down a sheep or calf. IMO, running down a preditor is more "humane" than said preditor(s) running down their game and ripping it apart while it still breaths and struggles. I have a neighbor who lost 30 sheep in one night to a pack of coyotes, so you will see no tears shed from me when I hear about coyotes dying by whatever means. what I dont like about it is wasting them if their hides are worth something, but not really a big deal to me. The biggest deal is the pollution of the stream and the impression it leaves on some toward hunters in general. Kill the coyotes... kill them legal... use their hides if practicle... and dont leave piles of them in view of the general public. If you leave the piles somewhere else, that's fime by me. One last thing..... i read a lot in this forum and others about SSS and you will never find or hear of me practicing it because it simply isn't woth it. It wont help the (wolf) problem and I would only be jepordizing my hunting priviledges and a criminal record doing it. Now with coyotes... they can raise havoc with ranchers and farmers and cost them thousands if they are getting out of control. They are usually reimbursed for wolf kills, but not coyote kills and if I was a rancher with a family to take care of and loosing thousands of dollars to coyotes, you can bet I would do what I had to, to control the vermin. But I doubt this was a farmer taking care of business.

As for the dear, quartering game without gutting them is a fairly common hunting practice and saves time. If you want the heart and liver, then go for it and gut them. As mentioned previously, your tag must remains with your meat in Montana. If you process your kill and find somewhere to dump the remaining carcass, you best not dump the tag with it. If there were deer shot and dumped without harvesting the meat, then prosecute the $%^&**%%$. Once again, dont be stupid about it and dump a pile in a stream in view of the public. I give most of the bones to my dogs and when they are done with them, I throw them back in the woods or burn them.

This is a truely an ugly and unfortunate scene, but it's good not to assume too much and keep things in perspective.

Just my $.02

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