**** lodge/masons oaths ****

When I die I know where I'm going. The Grand High Exalted Mr. Gruebber told me I'd be buried in Bismark, North Dakota In the National Racoon Cemetary right next to fellow Racoon Lodge brothers Ralph Gramden and Ed Norton:D

Do any of you shoot guns or LRH? If so what kind?


Listen, I'm done here as well. But I must say anyone from any religion that thinks that they have the road map and everyone in is doomed has the IQ of a peanut butter sandwich.

Listen, I'm done here as well. But I must say anyone from any religion that thinks that they have the road map and everyone in is doomed has the IQ of a peanut butter sandwich.

Roll-Yur-Own = What does that stand for???
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Big Buck, one more question for you. Did the Jews killed in the holocaust go to hell? No including the ones who may have found Jesus before they died. Just the ones who dies as regular no Jesus Jews?
Everyone wants to make their remarks about greek texts and the KJV bible yet they will not say what kind of Bible they use .What are you hiding or are you ashamed of your bible.
You don't have to read what I post I guess the truth hurts.

Satan wants to attack God's word so he attacks the Bible KJV . In the end you have a watered down version that want do anyone good . If you are reading this and you attened a church that preaches from anything other than a KJV you should get your family and find a good church that preaches from the KJV Bible.
Brainwashing is the attempt to change the thoughts and beliefs of another person against their will. Religion is actually a form of brainwashing. (Ya, I know I just made everyone mad) It begins at a very early age. I'm not saying it's bad, it is just what it is, brainwashing! Do you think your religion is that much different than ones which we commonly refer to as "cults"? Believe me, it isn't. Yours just has more followers, that's all.

You people are arguing over beliefs, not facts. (on the wrong website) Don't confuse the two! You all are only arguing over what you believe the truth to be. Those books are interesting but they were written by people a very long time ago. Don't take them so literally and argue with every passing person who has been brainwashed to think differently than you have.

Religion is based on beliefs, not facts! I've watched people die and heard their very last words as they lay in a road ditch praying for god to help them. I've killed in self defense and I've seen people who had been killed in the name of God. This stupid friggin thread is just a bunch of arguing by people who think they know something that they don't.

Every night, I go out alone and work an area most cops refuse to. I believe in God but I still carry a 1911, Bushmaster and a Rem 870. (Oh ya, a mean dog too) I don't choose to believe that God is going to keep me alive no matter what. I still have to wear my seatbelt and my vest. I've been shot at, hit by a car and several people have tried to stab me. God didn't save me, a lot of hard work and preparation saved me. Last night I climbed through broken glass to arrest two people who were fighting with the door barricaded. I hope your comfortable and warm in your house while someone else does this for you in your area of the world while you sit there and pass judgment on some strangers beliefs.

Big Buck, get a friggin hobby. Don't try to brainwash people with your beliefs. Give up on threads like this dude. You are on the wrong website. Do you even own a gun? Leave the rest of us alone to think what we want. In the end, it's between me and God.

The rest of you, don't respond to Big Bucks BS postings and threads. Let them die! Maybe he will leave us alone to talk about guns and LRH!

I became interested in this website because I like LRH and thought it would be a great place to learn more about it. What I found was a bunch of **** sheep, arguing about whether mighty mouse can beat up superman!

There, did I offend everyone enough that they will finally let this useless thread die?

Why this discussion on LRH? I've never heard even a similar topic at the hunting camp?

+3 lol... holy crap! (expression of amazement only) I didn't expect this thread to pop up.

Live and let live man.
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Let it go. You are not saving anyone. You are doing more damage than you know. You made your point. Let it go. Wait for people to ask you, that is when you can really make a difference. You can't force anyone.

There, did I offend everyone enough that they will finally let this useless thread die?

You must be offended by other's discussion of this topic. For your own peace of mind, you can always look the other way. Just don't read this thread. There are plenty of other Forum topics on LRH that match your interests and fit right up your alley. Beyond that, glad to have you maintaining law and order. Enforcing the law can be a mentally tough job. Not all of us are well-suited for it.
You got picked on in highschool didn't you.


Steve, people ask why "Christian" are criticized. By Christians I'm specifically speaking of hardcore evangelicals such as big schmuck aka bigbuck.

This is why. They firmly believe that anyone who doesn't accept Jesus is going to hell. They are a bunch of ignorant bigots and anti-semites but when asked to be direct they just wont do it.

C'mon be men and say the Jews killed in the holocaust who didn't accept Jesus went to hell. All of them men, women, and children. You believe it so say it. Don't keep up your veiled bigotry.
At least the nazis and the kkk admit their bigotry.

I guess Gandi went to hell along with Sadat and Mother Theresa. (She was Catholic but I don't think that is "Christian" enough.

Who went to hell? I have no idea I don't know their heart. Yeah I know a cop out, but last time I checked we only use around 3% of our brain capacity. Maybe when I get to heaven I will ask someone who uses 100%. I'm sure he will know he created everything in less than a week.

As far as jews go yeah they can get to heaven. Being a jew by definition is a person born from one of the twelve tribes of Israel. I am from the tribe of Levi. Being a jew has nothing to do with my faith though.

It all comes down to what is in your heart. No one can do it alone no not one.<=so I don't believe you can get to heaven without Christ.

Only if we could produce more fruit!!!!!

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