Another type of varmint


Mar 27, 2023
On the San Pedro River at the ranch we had problems with an abundance of chulas(coatimundes). They are much bigger and worse than racoons. They would go for the chickens and cattle and horse feed. Chulas are really bad around dogs. They enter into a fight willingly and will tear a dog apart. One of our cow dogs got into a fight with a large male chula and though I managed to shoot the critter, by that time Peggy was pretty torn up. When the vet came over she spent more than four hours stitching that dog back together. Lion hunters hate when their pack mobs a chula, they'll kill it, but will be pretty torn up in the process.


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Haven't tried to eat one. Heard of possum stew but not chula stew. They're not so cute and cuddly when you look at the mouthful of teeth they've got. When they are young you'll see them in packs up to 20 or so all about the size of cats. As they get older they become loners. The Mexicans call them soleterios.
I had a a buddy with me bear hunting a couple years back, who had not spent much time in the Arizona wild. We hiked up to this rock cropping to set up to glass. About 5 minutes into it, this guy jumps up, kicks over his tripod and all, immediately retreats back like 20 yards, and I mean in a hurry. And I am like "Bro, what are you doing". His response, "Some monkey raccoon thing came out of the rocks like 5 feet below me, I didn't sign up for this". I was belly rolling!
On the San Pedro River at the ranch we had problems with an abundance of chulas(coatimundes). They are much bigger and worse than racoons. They would go for the chickens and cattle and horse feed. Chulas are really bad around dogs. They enter into a fight willingly and will tear a dog apart. One of our cow dogs got into a fight with a large male chula and though I managed to shoot the critter, by that time Peggy was pretty torn up. When the vet came over she spent more than four hours stitching that dog back together. Lion hunters hate when their pack mobs a chula, they'll kill it, but will be pretty torn up in the process
On the San Pedro River at the ranch we had problems with an abundance of chulas(coatimundes). They are much bigger and worse than racoons. They would go for the chickens and cattle and horse feed. Chulas are really bad around dogs. They enter into a fight willingly and will tear a dog apart. One of our cow dogs got into a fight with a large male chula and though I managed to shoot the critter, by that time Peggy was pretty torn up. When the vet came over she spent more than four hours stitching that dog back together. Lion hunters hate when their pack mobs a chula, they'll kill it, but will be pretty torn up in the process.
Are these legal to hunt year round, or only if attacking your animals? I live in Sierra Vista near the San Pedro. I know some parts of the San Pedro is protected from shooting. Or maybe just some or protected, or just some parts of the Pedro?
In Az the chula is listed as "other fur bearing mammal". You need a general AZ hunting license to shoot any critter in the State. There are no regs. that I know of limiting the shooting of coatis except location(preserves or populated areas, etc.) The San Pedro around SV has some kind of preserve status. Our ranch headquarters and irrigation was about 22 miles North of Benson on tthe West side of the river. Most of the river in that area is privately held.
In Az the chula is listed as "other fur bearing mammal". You need a general AZ hunting license to shoot any critter in the State. There are no regs. that I know of limiting the shooting of coatis except location(preserves or populated areas, etc.) The San Pedro around SV has some kind of preserve status. Our ranch headquarters and irrigation was about 22 miles North of Benson on tthe West side of the river. Most of the river in that area is privately held.
Thanks, I knew there was som area but not all locations. If you are in need of clearing out Yotes and Cudas, I'd be up to driving up that way if there is plenty of targets, Or if you can use a 72 year old, and you need a shooting buddy, I have a SXS and varmint caller if that is a need. 520-678-0041 Al
I was heading out to feed the cows and ran into this guy, when he noticed me he stood up on his hind legs and gave me his best come at me bro pose, he should have been armed with something besides claws.

I head issues with chickens turning up missing, feed bin lids pulled askew, kittens missing, it had to be this guy. I am guessing our neighbors brought him up from Mexico as a pet and when they left he went feral.

First time I had ever seen anything like it.

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