I got some of the original X bullets, no grooves, for my 243 for CHEAP on an auction a while ago. If the internet is to be believed they won't hit the broadside of a barn, will immediately foul my barrel beyond recognition, and will make a 6mm entry and exit with no expansion.
I suspect once I get them up and running they'll be the first bullet my kids shoot out of a hunting rifle and take game with should they grow to love hunting. 75 grainers, and I was cleaning the tips after treating the bullets with HBN and applying too much lateral pressure with a dental pick CAUSED ONE TO BEGIN OPENING, four clearly defined lines running down the nose and the meplat starting to flower. zero expansion…yeah right. These things appear to be designed to expand with less energy than a dang soft point for crying out loud.
I've treated them as I said with hbn. That tremendously mitigates barrel copper fouling with any bullet.
They are flat base with decent bearing surface, very conducive to easy accuracy even out of my old savage 99…not high bc but this will be a 300 yards and under (probably 200 and under) whitetail bullet and cartridge/rifle setup that won't intimidate or punish my kids when they're gangly 11 year olds haha
I have very high hopes for
This bullet (and the lot of 300 of them that I got for like 60 bucks should last!)