Powder blend

Your assumption about ammo factories blending different powder is actually incorrect.
They buy BULK powder, such as 759, this will come in in different lots that are outside of the parameters that canister powder is suited for.
They then blend these lots to get the desired ballistics.
Blended BULK powder is quite safe to blend, as the difference in burn rate is often not great enough to be a concern.

Anyone ever blend rifle powder? If so how did it go. I know ammunition manufacturers blend powders to achieve there needs and bullet speed for proprietary purposes.
Never heard of any manufacturing entity mixing different powders to achieve something new and unknown. They will receive many bulk canisters of the exact same powder that could very well be from different lots. They mix all those canisters of powder together to get one homogeneous mixture then put it back into the original canisters until needed. That way any differences from lot to lot are eliminated.

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