Palins speach

We have all 'abused' our authority at one time or another.
I know if my sister(any one of the three), were being abused by someone in my 'employ', I am pretty sure they would not have to worry about me hiding the fact that I wanted them gone.
As for her pregnant daughter, ***? $h!t happens! Just goes to show that even some politicians are human/with faults.
Yeah, I know I am a Canadian, and have no dog in this fight....well yes I do-if obama/biden are elected, you will lose beyond imagination-and that affects us!
I dislike chillary more than I have a right to, but at least you know where she is coming from, and what her plans are. With obama, he just doesn't feel right. He votes for gun control, yet today he says at a town hall meeting "We're not going to mess with Americans guns". Here is the link....
Obama: "We're Not Going To Mess With" Americans' Guns - From The Road

Please vote carefully!
LeRoys' 0.02 cents
Don't get me wrong. I didn't say I preferred Obama and Biden. I just hope Sarah learned something about the proper exercise of power and uses it when it needs used, but properly. Not something as improper and petty-anty as going after an ex-brother-in-law.

There's no denying McCain knows when a fights worth fighting, which is pretty darn comforting. I agree there's little track record to know what Obama would do.

Maybe she did or didn't abuse her power. Maybe her x-brother in law did some horrible things that only the family knows about. Maybe he beat the @#$@ out of her sister. Maybe he deserves to be fired. Maybe not. Unless you or I know all the story, it's hard to say. We are definatly NOT getting all the story by our very biased news outlets.

This is simply a press smear campaing against her. Do you ever wonder why we don't hear anything about Biden's daughter who was arrested for drugs or about his son who's a lobbyiest????? The democrats and the press (really the same entity) are doing everything they can to smear her image and make Obama/Biden look good so that you don't vote for McCain/Palin. OPEN your eyes and don't fall for it.

Obama WILL go after your guns if he's elected, that's the only track recored he has, and he'll have democratic controlled congress to back him.
Well did we already forget why Bush went to war in Iraq, and went directly after Saddam? Do you remember that Saddam attempted to have the senior Bush president killed. Was that a good reason to go to war?

You can excuse and dismiss the Sarah scandle as a press attack if you want, but the Alaska State Legislature isn't the press, and they're the ones that authorized the formal investigation on "abuse of power" against a member or their own party. They wouldn't do that for a petty-anty reason. I want the power exercised properly. Not over a family feud. I agree we shouldn't be led astray by the press. But we shouldn't use the press as an example to ignore improper head-hunting by an elected official. Keep this analogy in mind when you remember why we're still bogged down in Iraq, and asking yourself if the bang was worth the buck in dollars expended, and International relations.

That's the funny thing about politics. People will ignore literally anything if it serves their purpose. Democrats can ignore Clinton's sexual relations with his intern in the Oval Office. Republicans will ignore the misleading and deceipt by the Bush administration to go after Saddam in Iraq, while Osama Bin Laden continues to camp out comfortably on the border of Pakistan.

If we had put the resources to work in Afganistan and on Osama rather than Iraq, you can bet that Osama would have been history long ago.

If McCain and Palin don't get elected this November, you can thank our current President. He's the reason "Change" is the theme of both of the campaigns for this Presidential election.

I bet the fireworks will auto-ignite after this post. Let the fun begin...
... Republicans will ignore the misleading and deceipt by the Bush administration to go after Saddam in Iraq, ...

I bet the fireworks will auto-ignite after this post. Let the fun begin...

I may be wrong, but the very first day we started into Iraq, I've been saying this was a strategy to prepare to contain Iran. I've been saying this for better than 6 years and still believe it's true. We can't very well say it, but pull out a map and figure out how you will deal with the REAL threat in the region.

Just my 'country boy opinion'.

most people have for gotten how many mass graves we uncoverd!!! SAdom was the mass bomb we had to take that sick and Evil villian out!!how many more buildings did we need to come down in this country before we wake up!!!I truly belive that if OBAMA get in we will have more towers and death on our soil agin!!!! we cannt let this happen GOD BLESS OUR TROUPS!!!!!!!
the Alaska State Legislature isn't the press, and they're the ones that authorized the formal investigation on "abuse of power" against a member or their own party. They wouldn't do that for a petty-anty reason....
Does 'the old boys club' mean anything? Seems to me the Future VP, Mrs. Palin disrupted that in big way. That, to me would be enough, how about you?

Does 'the old boys club' mean anything? Seems to me the Future VP, Mrs. Palin disrupted that in big way. That, to me would be enough, how about you?


Well there's a hundred excuses to suit your purpose when the facts don't. But these facts can't be excused away by any objective minded person. Sarah herself recanted on her original position and admitted that her top Aide did pressure the Troopers to fire her ex-brother-in-law; but only after a recorded phone conversation was released, 3 weeks after she stated that neither she nor her administration brought pressure to bear on the Troopers to fire her ex-brother-in-law. Was she lying the first time, or the second?

As far as disrupting the old boys club, she did win the Governor's election from former Gov. Frank Murkowski. So you're correct with that statement, but she hasn't done anything to disrupt the State Legislature, which voted for the formal investigation. In fact she's been a tremendously popular Governor and the Legislature has been mostly hands off and let her have her way.

The FBI's been the one disrupting the good old boys in the State Legislature. The more crooks they catch that were taking bribes for votes the better.

You all know this could go on and on and on and on because the member's posting here are so dead set that Sarah's an angle sent to help your candidate get into office. You'd ignore a semi-tracktor trailing coming at you head on in your lane - not passing anyone. The good is blissful and the bad is excused away in the effort to pursuade others to vote with you for your choice.

As far as Bush's war being a good thing in any way... there's a reason McCain came to Alaska to select his running mate. The farther he can distance himself from Bush and the current Republicans in Washington, the better his chances. Disagree with this if you want, but both political parties disagree with you if you do. Both the Obama campaign and the McCain campaign are preaching Change from the Bush Administration.

As far as Iraq being a ploy to hold Iran in check, it's done just the opposite. We've spent ourselves and any support the country once had for battle in Iraq. Iran knows this and is now flexing it's mouth and muscle. Same with Russia invading Georgia. We've spent ourselves in Iraq and gotten very little to show for it, other than the spite of world for starting a war on false pretenses.

Go Sarah!
phorwath, go ahead.. keep on bad mouthing her. Maybe you'll get enough people to buy into it and not vote for McCain. Then when Obama wins and starts to erode your gun rights.... you can then blame BUSH for it. You can deny any responsibility. Just like all left-winger's do when anything goes wrong - blame Bush. Hell, your blaming him for losing the election and the election isn't over yet.

"CHANGE" as an election slogan.... is not because of Bush. It's been used in every presidential election since I've been alive. "That's the funny thing about politics. People will ignore literally anything if it serves their purpose." - you provided a very good example of this by claiming Bush is the reason for "CHANGE" as a election slogan.

You are just trying to manipulate...just like the left wing media who is propagating the smear campaign that you feel obligated to perpetuate.

I ask you this? Are you in favor of keeping your right to own a gun? Do you really believe Obama when he says he'll support the 2nd amendment when he's voted for the opposite whenever he's had a chance before he started this campaign? Have you thought about what kind of Supreme Court Justice he'd appoint?

You should realize what's at stake with this election. I'll support McCain because he'll support gun owner's rights. I'm a gun owner. And that does serve my purpose. Who's side are you trying to serve by bad mouthing her and Bush?
done just the opposite. We've spent ourselves and any support the country once had for battle in Iraq. Iran knows this and is now flexing it's mouth and muscle. Same with Russia invading Georgia. We've spent ourselves in Iraq and gotten very little to show for it, other than the spite of world for starting a war on false pretenses.

Phor, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan was to serve notice on the Islamic fanatics that we are putting the brakes on their World Jihad nonsense, and to establish a foothold in the region...both strategies have worked, and are working, despite the whining of the Left and their media toadies. Russia/Georgia is a different problem.

Obama has such a horrendous history of consorting with the most irresponsible, corrupt and anti-American groups and individuals; and he, himself is such a no accomplishment, no experience socialist windbag, that no rational person could possible consider him as suitable for the Presidency of the USA.
And there they go... fireworks are on display.

When you can't refute the truth and the truth is contrary to your desires, attack the messenger.

Do you see Bush campaigning for McCain? Get real. Bush's war was Clinton's Monica Lewinski. McCain's not stupid enough to invite Bush to campaign.. Now that we're in Iraq McCain will make sure we get the job done there if it's at all possible. But he wouldn't have started that war. If I thought he would have, he wouldn't get my vote. And if he said he would have, he wouldn't get elected. The Iraq war will be the cause of McCain's loss, if he loses, just like Clinton's Lewinski was the cause of Gore's loss.

And we had our foothold in the Middle East in Afganistan. We didn't need Iraq then and we don't need it now. Saddam had complete, yes brutal, control over that country. The terrorist didn't stand a chance there. The only good thing about Iraq is we killed some terrorist that came there to kill our soldiers. A poor excuse to send our troops to Iraq. And in case you forgot, there were no weapons of mass destruction to threaten us or any of our allies.

Now for some morale boosters...

Palin can do no wrong.

Bush can do no wrong and never has. He had the greater wisdom for his war and although neither campaign can articulate it now, and although neither campaign wants anything to do with it now, some day we will see the wisdom that Bush had it right all along - despite the fact his administration lied to get the support to go to war in the first place. Yet he still got it right. My money is he'll go down as one of the biggest blunders of all time. And I suspect he will cost John McCain this election, in spite of the fact that we're all going to vote for him.

And the Grand Finale - Republicans can do no wrong.

Oh yeah..., Obama's a turd. Well at least we can agree he can't be trusted with our gun rights.

There, now all die-hard Republican Forum Members can sleep better tonight.
Re: If you don't believe me, Read This Web Link

She's not pure as the white driven snow with a halo on top of her head.

Show me anyone in public office that is! Especially with so much riding on defeating her.

I heard a commentator today that made a lot of sense. He said, "Can you imagine if she hadn't tried to get rid of that guy after he tazered the kid? They would be screaming even louder"

Don't get you dander up prematurely. I agree that no politician rises to the top without some dirty laundry.

I never said she was a terrible person or politician. In fact I said this was the only black mark against her to my knowledge since she became our Governor. And then the die-hards jumped in to claim it was all a conspiracy theory I was pumping, all aimed at bring Sarah down off her throne. I won't fight with anyone over this because fighting over politics is such a collosal waste of time. People and the politics are often like mother bears protecting their young. I don't get wrapped around the axle like so many others do. There is some dirtly laundry here and I hope she comes clean on it rather than continuing in denial, which is her current stategy to minimize the damage.

My personal concern here is that Sarah's only held a significant public office for less than two years and I really hated to see her go after her brother-in-law by mis-using her elected power as the Governor of the State of Alaska. Let me ask you this? Do you think Governor Palin would have personally pursued the dismissal of any other State Trooper who had misused a taser? THAT is THE issue here! She didn't have the sense to let the Commissioner of the Dept. of Public Safety handle the disciplinary action within his ranks in accordance with the State of Alaska's Personel Rules, Department of Public Safety Disciplinary Policy, and Department of Administration Division of Personnel Policy. I don't want a Governor or a Vice President that takes the law into their own hands to improperly settle personal squirmishes and battles. I don't mind it when it comes to National Security. But it's a sad reflection on her judgement to use her elected authority to settle personal family matters. To the point of utter stupidity or complete incompetence. I suppose this incident has hit closer to home since I had higher hopes and we Alaskan's were much more exposed to it than non-Alaskans. It was soley an Alaskan news item until two weeks ago.

I think she's smart as a whip and politically talented. I just hope she learned something from this. I'm growing tired of seeing the Republican party dragged down by poor judgements and behaviors. I sure don't want a V.P. or President starting a war because the President of Iran threatens or bad mouths a family member. If McCain dies in office, Sarah will command more power than any other person on the planet. And I don't want McCain to die in office the first term if he gets elected. No way am I comfortable with Sarah as President until she gets a few years as VP. Somebody earlier mentioned that as Governor, she had command of the Alaska Nathional Guard. What a joke. The most the Alaska National Guard ever does under order of the Governor participate in some practice drills and search and rescue. They've never been put into action in the 30 years I've live up here, and they'll never be ordered to war with a foreign country by a Governor.

Closed-minded voters are as bad as extreme liberals or extreme conservatives. I like to know most of the facts before I vote. Many only want the facts that support their selection as a means to an end. I don't have the time of day for them, and that's my freedom of choice. So sometimes I'll stir things up to make a point. Believe me, it's all too easy.

At this point I support McCain & Palin. But I'm still afraid that O'bama will take this election - primarily because of the nations disgust over the current Republican Administration's fabrications to go to war in Iraq. What a waste of time and resources. Before it's all over, Iraq will expell us completely from their country and go on to form a government of their own choosing. They may hate us in the end just like Iran resents us over our Shaw of Iran involvement 30 plus years ago. We need to pick our fights carefully because we cannot prevail in World affairs over the long haul doing it lone-ranger style. We've learned that once again as a consequence of Bush's war in Iraq.

More fireworks now...
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