Berger announces release of the 6.5mm 156 grain EOL

sable tireur

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2010
Good to see that these will be released. Had thought about taking my 6.5 SS to Africa. Had hoped to see these a little sooner. I leave Aug 31st.... Any pre-orders being taken on this bullet?
Good to see that these will be released. Had thought about taking my 6.5 SS to Africa. Had hoped to see these a little sooner. I leave Aug 31st.... Any pre-orders being taken on this bullet?

Bruno and Midsouth are taking backorders. Those are just from the majors I checked. Others may be starting a list...:rolleyes:
AHA! Looks like a perfect bullet to try in my upcoming 6.5 PRC Browning X-Bolt Pro.
That rifle has a 1:7 twist for those heavier bullets.
And Hornady specifically designed the case & neck to handle longer bullets W/O compressing the powder charge.

Eric B.
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