Important Meeting for all Montana Elk hunters


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2011
Clarks Fork Valley, Mt
There is a meeting scheduled for Wednesday January 30 at the Red Lion in Kalispell that anyone in the area who is concerned about the decimation of our elk, deer and moose herds should attend. It will begin at 6:30 pm and speakers will include:

Justin Webb, from the Foundation for Wildlife Management

An unnamed representative from the Montana Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife

An unnamed representative from the Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks

Possibly others, including (hopefully, but not confirmed) Representative Bob Brown from Thompson Falls

Among the topics to be discussed will be an overview of the F4WM Wolf Harvest Reimbursement Program as a potential way to help with the growing wolf problem.

We need to get any and all sportsmen who hunt Montana deer or elk to get behind a couple of bills that were introduced by Rep Brown that would make the reimbursement legal in Montana.

F4WM has been successfully running that same program in Idaho for some time now, and it is estimated that they have helped to save 50,000 elk, moose, and deer with their efforts.

For anyone in Northwest Montana, it would help greatly for you to attend this meeting to show FWP how serious we sportsmen are about saving our dwindling herds from an overpopulation of wolves.

For those of us who live too far away to attend, please click on the links provided to join up and to donate to these very worthwhile organizations!

It is not an exaggeration to say that the future of our herds depends on it!!!

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has given F4WM a $25,000 grant to help with this important mission, so obviously it is a very worthwhile organization.

We all know that the wolf issue is a hot button issue on both sides of the aisle and is watched closely and attended by many with a video camera in their pocket- and they are not necessarily all on our side. When attending this meeting, please be aware that all eyes are on us and any disrespectful actions will likely be smeared and spread on the internet.
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I'll forward this to some friends up there, sounds like some of the deer units will be closed up there now. The wolves are so hard to control up there and have just decimated the game, down here we can gun them and hold the population down a lot better but still they breed like rabbits. I live on the edge of a large elk winter range, there are three elk where there should be three thousand this year.
I'll forward this to some friends up there, sounds like some of the deer units will be closed up there now. The wolves are so hard to control up there and have just decimated the game, down here we can gun them and hold the population down a lot better but still they breed like rabbits. I live on the edge of a large elk winter range, there are three elk where there should be three thousand this year.

I tell ya, what they want to do is really something. The second link above shows their program.
They have been doing it in Idaho for a few years and the results are impressive, but we need to get everyone who hunts Montana to call/write/email their representatives in Helena to get Browns bills passed so we can do this here.
They actually pay expenses for those who legally take wolves!
The amount varies, but it goes up to $1000 per wolf in the hardest hit areas!
What might be the best part, is that it costs them an average of about $550/wolf which is paid entirely by donations- there is absolutely NO taxpayer money involved.
When the state of Idaho has to come in, their costs average about $8000/wolf which obviously came out of the taxpayers pockets!

I think it's a pretty awesome program that could really turn the corner on the ever increasing wolf problem, and will hopefully allow our Elk, Deer, and Moose populations to rebound.
shoot won't make it but hope we have a good turn out

You can still help by clicking the links above and joining/donating to these groups.

Also, be sure to tell everyone who hunts this great state to get hold of their Representatives in Helena and tell them to SUPPORT Rep Browns bills that would make this program a reality in Montana.

It really is crucial to our herds to get the wolf population in check, and this is a great way to not only get it done but also save our tax dollars in the process!
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There is a meeting scheduled for Wednesday January 30 at the Red Lion in Kalispell that anyone in the area who is concerned about the decimation of our elk, deer and moose herds should attend. It will begin at 6:30 pm and speakers will include:

Justin Webb, from the Foundation for Wildlife Management

An unnamed representative from the Montana Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife

An unnamed representative from the Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks

Possibly others, including (hopefully, but not confirmed) Representative Bob Brown from Thompson Falls

Among the topics to be discussed will be an overview of the F4WM Wolf Harvest Reimbursement Program as a potential way to help with the growing wolf problem.

We need to get any and all sportsmen who hunt Montana deer or elk to get behind a couple of bills that were introduced by Rep Brown that would make the reimbursement legal in Montana.

F4WM has been successfully running that same program in Idaho for some time now, and it is estimated that they have helped to save 50,000 elk, moose, and deer with their efforts.

For anyone in Northwest Montana, it would help greatly for you to attend this meeting to show FWP how serious we sportsmen are about saving our dwindling herds from an overpopulation of wolves.

For those of us who live too far away to attend, please click on the links provided to join up and to donate to these very worthwhile organizations!

It is not an exaggeration to say that the future of our herds depends on it!!!

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has given F4WM a $25,000 grant to help with this important mission, so obviously it is a very worthwhile organization.

We all know that the wolf issue is a hot button issue on both sides of the aisle and is watched closely and attended by many with a video camera in their pocket- and they are not necessarily all on our side. When attending this meeting, please be aware that all eyes are on us and any disrespectful actions will likely be smeared and spread on the internet.
There is a meeting scheduled for Wednesday January 30 at the Red Lion in Kalispell that anyone in the area who is concerned about the decimation of our elk, deer and moose herds should attend. It will begin at 6:30 pm and speakers will include:

Justin Webb, from the Foundation for Wildlife Management

An unnamed representative from the Montana Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife

An unnamed representative from the Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks

Possibly others, including (hopefully, but not confirmed) Representative Bob Brown from Thompson Falls

Among the topics to be discussed will be an overview of the F4WM Wolf Harvest Reimbursement Program as a potential way to help with the growing wolf problem.

We need to get any and all sportsmen who hunt Montana deer or elk to get behind a couple of bills that were introduced by Rep Brown that would make the reimbursement legal in Montana.

F4WM has been successfully running that same program in Idaho for some time now, and it is estimated that they have helped to save 50,000 elk, moose, and deer with their efforts.

For anyone in Northwest Montana, it would help greatly for you to attend this meeting to show FWP how serious we sportsmen are about saving our dwindling herds from an overpopulation of wolves.

For those of us who live too far away to attend, please click on the links provided to join up and to donate to these very worthwhile organizations!

It is not an exaggeration to say that the future of our herds depends on it!!!

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has given F4WM a $25,000 grant to help with this important mission, so obviously it is a very worthwhile organization.

We all know that the wolf issue is a hot button issue on both sides of the aisle and is watched closely and attended by many with a video camera in their pocket- and they are not necessarily all on our side. When attending this meeting, please be aware that all eyes are on us and any disrespectful actions will likely be smeared and spread on the internet.
Thank you. I'll be there. I live in Bigfork. Wolves ran a mature bull into my pasture a couple of weeks ago. He came in the middle of the afternoon and was panting really hard and the poor guy was following my horses around, looking for security. (I did video it with my phone). I got curious and backtracked him the next day. Sure enough, wolves had chased him to within about 200 yards of my place and wouldn't come any closer. That bull got lucky....that day.
Wow, that's incredible.
I have never been the "kill them all" type, but I really think we need to thin them down before we lose our herds forever.

I can't help but think of how there have been times over the years that we've had good rabbit populations, but then the coyotes get too thick and they completely disappear.

Our Elk will be the same way, except that since they don't reproduce like rabbits they may never recover!

Thanks for going to the meeting! I wish I could be there, but that's a full days drive from my house.

Let us know how it goes!
This could be a money making opportunity, y'all have seen the helicopter hog/coyote hunts down Texas way...we can call it Air-Wolf! After my favorite childhood tv show. It could be a self starter. Those "hunts" are going for $2,000 per hour! Know anyone with a helo? Maybe sponsorship with Hammer Bullets?!
Just remember me when you get it going. My normal fee is just point me in the direction of the elk, a one time use of your honey hole will suffice. Disclaimer- trophy bull expected!:D
My girlfriend lives in Kalispell and has lots of family in Columbia Falls, I will forward this. Good info.
I think I will pay my own way. mtmuley

That's certainly your choice, Muley, but what a great opportunity.
What I can see coming out of this is an opportunity for local economies to receive a boost from both Montana residents who don't necessarily live in areas with high populations, but also from out-of-staters who would like to come help.
With this program, they could make a trip out here- stimulating the local economy in the process- and could potentially have their expenses partially paid for. And since this is paid for with donations instead of tax money, it means we could have some help controlling the wolf population without it coming out of the tax coffers!
You can be a stick in the mud if you'd like, but I think it sounds like a great program.
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